Dee Stern Psy.D.
Dee Stern, Psy.D., is a grief therapist and a chaplain at HSHS St. John’s Hospital where she facilitates grief support groups weekly and an SOS (survivors of suicide—for family and friends of those who have died by suicide) support group bi-monthly. She is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) and has a Master's degree in psychology and in pastoral studies as well as a doctorate in psychology. Her dissertation was on bereavement. She has worked in a funeral home for several years doing after-care and counseling. She has done some private counseling on the phone and as well as in person.
She is a parish/bereavement minister at a Catholic church where she visits and brings Communion to the elderly and homebound weekly and helps with funerals in Springfield, Ilinois. She has taught psychology and death and dying courses at Benedictine University in Springfield and social psychology at Lincoln College in Lincoln. She has written a video entitled “Death and Bereavement” and a booklet on how to start a bereavement support group entitled Lazarus and numerous articles on grief and bereavement for magazines and newspapers. She has written and recently published a book titled, Comforting the Bereaved Through Listening and Positive Responding: What Are the Bereaved Trying to Tell Us? published by Archway Publishing Company.