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Child Development

6 Ways to Model Responsible Social Media Use to Your Kids

U.S. Surgeon General issues a warning about social media effects on adolescents.

Key points

  • The APA offers guidelines for parents to closely monitor their adolescent’s social media usage.
  • A recent survey shows that 95 percent of teens use at least one social media platform.
  • The Surgeon General warns that social media may harm children and adolescents.
  • Caregivers and parents are kids' first role models and can use that power regarding social media use.
Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels, Used with permission.
Source: Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels, Used with permission.

Up to 95 percent of teens report that the use at least one social media platform, while more than one-third say they use social media “almost constantly, according to survey results from Pew Research. As social media use has risen, so have anxiety, depression, and emergency room visits for self-harm and suicidal ideation.

In May 2023, shortly after the American Psychological Association issued its first-ever social media guidelines, recommending that parents and guardians closely monitor adolescents' social media usage, the U.S. Surgeon General followed with a warning. In a Social Media and Youth Mental Health advisory report, Dr. Vivek Murthy urged a push to fully understand the possible “risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents.” He stated, “There are ample indicators that social media can also have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents.” One of his recommendations was for families to set social media limits for their children.

Six Ways Parents Can Model Responsible Social Media Use for Their Children

With social media comes a responsibility to use it properly. The responsibility falls not only on adults but also on children, who are exposed to social media from an early age. Parents and caregivers have a responsibility to model responsible social media use for their children.

You can model responsible social media behavior by doing the following:

  1. Set Rules and Boundaries

    Set rules and boundaries regarding social media usage for your children. The rules can vary depending on the age of your children but should always include guidelines like a time limit, appropriate content and behavior, a prohibition on sharing personal information or private photos/videos with strangers. Teach your kids about online safety and the risks associated with social media. By setting rules, you will not only teach them responsible social media use but also keep them safe from online predators and cyberbullying.

  2. Show How to Use Social Media for Good

    Parents can use social media to teach their children how it can be used to connect with people and build a community. Show them how social media can be used to showcase talents and creativity, share positive messages with others, and engage in meaningful conversations. It can be used for fundraising efforts for a great cause. By showing them the positive aspects of social media, you can motivate them to use it responsibly for their own benefit and that of others.

  3. Model Responsible Behavior

    As parents, you have a great influence on your children’s behavior. If they see you using social media responsibly, they’re more likely to do the same. Show your children that you use social media responsibly by modeling good behavior yourself. This includes avoiding posting anything that may be potentially harmful or offensive, being respectful towards others, and not oversharing personal information.

  4. Monitor Your Children’s Social Media Use

    Keep an eye on what your children are doing online, who they’re communicating with, and what kind of content they’re consuming. You can do this by monitoring their activity directly or by using parental control software. Discuss their social media usage regularly and be open to answering any questions they may have.

  5. Teach Digital Etiquette

    Social media has its own set of rules for social behavior. As parents, it's essential to teach your children digital etiquette. This includes teaching them how to use appropriate language, how to engage in meaningful conversations with others, how to interpret and respond to online content, and how to deal with cyberbullying. Digital etiquette also includes setting household rules about not being tied to your screen during mealtimes or other times in social settings.

  6. Create a Family Media Plan
    Do your research as you create a family social media plan. Start by establishing basic rules, such as the age at which they can go on social media and which social media platforms are appropriate for their age, and establish boundaries around content. It’s crucial to have open communication and trust between family members to ensure everyone is following the guidelines and staying safe on social media. Discuss the consequences of not following the rules and then follow through on them.

As psychologists and scientists continue to conduct research on the effects of social media use on kids' social, educational, psychological, and neurological development, as parents you can be a role model to your children. By modeling responsible social media use for your children, you can raise socially responsible children who can navigate the online world effectively and safely.


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