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Po Chi Wu Ph.D.


Po Chi Wu, Ph.D., is an active advisor/investor supporting startups at SkyDeck, the accelerator/incubator program at the University of California at Berkeley He has taught entrepreneurship at several universities in China and Hong Kong. He is a co-author of two books, "Quantum Design Sprints" and "Agile Innovation" and is a former venture capitalist and entrepreneur in Silicon Valley and in Asia. He has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Princeton University as well as degrees in Mathematics and Music from the University of California at Berkeley. His family includes several generations of illustrious scholars: his great grandfather was a Hanlin Scholar in the Ching Dynasty. His father, Ta-You Wu, retired from the Presidency of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan at the age of 88. Ta-You Wu’s epitaph was: The Father of Modern Physics in China.

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