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Striking a Balance Between Nurturing and Navigating Kids

How to raise a resilient child.

Key points

  • We want to ensure our children's emotional well-being, but we also want them to develop resilience.
  • Overemphasizing feelings and shielding kids from real-world experiences can lead to a lack of resilience.
  • It's important to validate the feelings and then work towards assisting your child in coming up with solutions
Source: BrianAJackson / iStock
Source: BrianAJackson / iStock

As a parent of young children, you may have wondered about the balance between protecting your children and allowing them to face life's challenges. We want to ensure our children's emotional well-being, but we also want them to develop resilience. In today's unpredictable world, raising resilient kids is more important than ever.

For example, if your child encounters a difficult situation at school, like being excluded from a group activity, your instinct might be to intervene and shield them from negative emotions. While this comes from a place of love, it may hinder your child's ability to navigate real-life experiences and develop resilience. Finding a balance between nurturing and allowing your children to learn from challenges is important.

One way to foster resilience in children is by empowering them with problem-solving skills. Instead of jumping in to fix everything for our children, we can guide them toward finding solutions independently. This teaches them how to handle difficult situations, think critically, and build confidence in their abilities. By giving our children the tools to navigate challenges, we are helping them become more resilient individuals better equipped to handle whatever life throws their way.

Psychologist Jonathan Haidt's work illuminates the importance of exposing children to manageable levels of stress and adversity to foster resilience. By allowing children to face and overcome obstacles, they learn valuable coping mechanisms, problem-solving skills, and emotional regulation techniques essential for thriving in an ever-changing world.

In the example above, you can use your child's exclusion from a group as an opportunity to teach them how to advocate for themselves and speak up when they see an injustice happening in school. You can ask your child questions about what it was like for them to feel left out; also ask how they would like to handle the situation while validating their experience.

The fine line between nurturing and navigating reality lies in balancing emotional support and allowing children to confront challenges independently. Overemphasizing feelings and shielding kids from real-world experiences can lead to a lack of resilience and difficulty coping with adversity later in life. It's important to validate the feelings and then work towards assisting your child to come up with solutions.

Experts suggest several strategies for parents to foster resilience in their children while offering guidance and support.

1. Encourage Problem-Solving: Rather than immediately solving problems for your child, encourage them to brainstorm solutions and take appropriate actions. This empowers children to develop critical thinking skills and resilience.

2. Teach Emotional Regulation: Help children recognize and manage their emotions effectively. By teaching them how to cope with stress and disappointment, you equip them with valuable tools for navigating challenging situations.

3. Foster Independence: Allow children age-appropriate levels of autonomy and responsibility. Encouraging independence helps build confidence and resilience as they learn to navigate the complexities of life on their own.

4. Promote Growth Mindset: Encourage a growth mindset in children, emphasizing the value of effort, perseverance, and learning from failures. This mindset shift fosters resilience by promoting a positive attitude towards challenges.

By embracing these strategies and finding the right balance between nurturing and guiding children through real-life experiences, parents can play a vital role in fostering resilience in their children. This ultimately prepares them to face life's challenges with confidence, adaptability, and emotional strength.

Research has shown that children who develop resilience are more likely to possess positive, adaptive traits such as perseverance, self-esteem, empathy, and the ability to form healthy relationships. They are also less prone to developing mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

In addition to parental support, building resilience in children can be aided by creating a supportive community of peers and mentors. Encouraging involvement in activities or groups where children can build friendships, learn from positive role models, and face challenges together can strengthen their resilience.

It's also crucial for parents to remember that building resilience is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Children will face new challenges throughout their lives, and parents need to continue nurturing their children's resilience by providing support, guidance, and positive reinforcement. Remember, it takes a village to raise a child – let's work together to build resilient individuals who will contribute positively to our society. And always remember, it's not about avoiding hardships but learning how to bounce back stronger every time.


Recognizing Resilience in Children: A Review. Trauma Care. 2022.

Clarke-Fields, H. (2019). Raising Good Humans: A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids. New Harbinger Publications.

Haidt, J. (2024). The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness. Penguin Press.

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