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Verified by Psychology Today

Jamie Madigan Ph.D.


Jamie Madigan, Ph.D. has become an expert on the psychology of video games and seeks to popularize understanding of how various aspects of psychology can be used to understand why games are made how they are and why their players behave as they do. Madigan has written extensively on the subject for various magazines, websites, blogs. He also writes and podcasts at his own site at and is the author of the book Getting Gamers: The Psychology of Video Games and Their Impact on the People Who Play Them.

Dr. Madigan has also consulted with game development companies and talked at conferences about how game developers can incorporate psychology principles into game design and how players can understand how it affects their play. Finally, he has appeared as an expert on the psychology of video games in dozens of print, radio, and web outlets such as The Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, BBC Radio 5, the BBC, The Guardian, and more. He is a lifelong gamer.

Books by Jamie Madigan Ph.D.
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