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How Does ChatGPT Explain AI?

Media psychology helps us understand the effectiveness of AI—and vice versa.

Key points

  • AI has assimilated into social and commercial media and worldwide culture.
  • ChatGPT is helpful in explaining media psychology.
  • ChatGPT is in its early stages, and research and evaluation are important.

I recently wrote and published several articles explaining media psychology and AI. In this article, my research partner, Gordon Goodman, Ph.D. (media psychology), asked OpenAI's ChatGPT to answer questions about media psychology and AI. The following are our redacted ChatGPT questions and responses.

Gordon Goodman/ With Permission
Source: Gordon Goodman/ With Permission

Goodman: What is the future of media psychology?

ChatGPT: As technology continues to evolve and new forms of media emerge, the insights and perspectives of media psychology will be more valuable than ever in explaining AI.

Goodman: How can media psychology and AI be explained through semantics, semiotics, and synesthesia?

ChatGPT. Semantics refers to the meaning or interpretation of words or symbols. In media psychology, semantics plays a crucial role in how media is consumed and interpreted by the audience. Semantics can influence emotions and attitudes towards media which can then impact behavior and cognition. Advertisers, for example, often use specific words or phrases to convey certain emotions or ideas to their audience. A car manufacturer may use the word "luxury" to describe their vehicles. This can create a positive emotional response from the audience. Semantics can also impact how media messages are interpreted by the audience. A news article that uses different words to describe the same event can elicit different emotional responses from readers. Semantics refers to the meaning of words and how they are used in context. Emotions refer to the feelings that are evoked in people when they encounter certain words or phrases. Media psychology and semantics are part of the study of communication and meaning-making regarding human behavior as emulated by AI.

Goodman: What is the role of semiotics in AI?

ChatGPT: Semantics and semiotics are closely related fields of study that both deal with the ways in which meaning is conveyed through language and other forms of communication.

Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and how they are used to convey meaning. This includes not only language but also visual symbols such as logos and other forms of visual communication. Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their meanings. Semiotics facilitates human communication and understanding. The media psychology of AI focuses on how people interact with media and how media influences human behavior.

Gordon Goodman/ With permission
Source: Gordon Goodman/ With permission

Goodman: What is the media psychology of synesthesia?

ChatGPT: Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory pathway (such as hearing a sound) leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in another sensory pathway (such as seeing a color). They combine. For example, a person with synesthesia might see colors or shapes in response to hearing certain sounds or words. There are many different types of synesthesia. Synesthesia is thought to be caused by the way that the brain processes and integrates sensory information. It can provide insights into the ways in which the brain processes and makes sense of sensory information. Our interpretation of the world can be significantly changed by differences in perception. This process can be influenced by a variety of factors, including our individual experiences, cultural background, and physical and neurological differences.

For example, individuals with color blindness may perceive the world differently than those with normal color vision, and this can affect their understanding and interpretation of visual information. Individuals with hearing impairments may have a different understanding of auditory information, which can impact their overall perception of the world. Overall, differences in perception can lead to significantly different interpretations and understandings of the world around us. Meaning is constructed through a complex interplay between the speaker/writer and the listener/reader. When we encounter language or other communication, we use our own experiences, knowledge, and cultural background to interpret its meaning. This interpretation can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as our individual beliefs and biases, our familiarity with the language or cultural context, and our emotional state at the time of interpretation.

Goodman: How does media psychology explain synesthesia?

ChatGPT: Artificial intelligence (AI) can be trained to recognize patterns and relationships in data. AI does not have the capacity for individual experience or subjective perception. AI algorithms are trained on large datasets and are able to identify statistical relationships between different types of data, but they do not have the ability to experience or perceive sensory information in the same way that humans do. AI may be able to identify patterns and correlations in large datasets of synesthetic experiences, but AI cannot replicate or fully understand the subjective and individual nature of synesthesia.

Goodman: How does media psychology explain AI?

ChatGPT: One of the key goals of media psychology is to understand how media messages are constructed and how they are likely to be received and interpreted by different audiences. Media psychology analyzes the ways in which language, visual elements, and other forms of communication are used to convey meaning and influence behavior. Media psychology also seeks to understand the impact of media messages on individuals and society as a whole. This involves looking at a variety of factors, such as the ways in which media messages shape our attitudes and beliefs, the impact of media on social norms and values, and the ways in which media can influence behavior and decision-making.

While AI can analyze large datasets of synesthetic experiences and identify statistical patterns, it is not able to replicate or anticipate the subjective and individual nature of synesthesia. Therefore, AI requires human assistance to properly interpret and understand synesthetic experiences.

Human experts in fields such as psychology, neuroscience, and art can provide valuable insights into the nature of synesthesia and the ways in which it is experienced by individuals. AI tools will be developed to help us better understand and analyze this complex phenomenon. However, even as AI technology advances, human expertise and insight will continue to be essential in properly understanding and interpreting the subjective and individual nature of synesthesia.

Luskin and Goodman: Our findings are that ChatGPT helped in this explanation and is a useful personal assistant… for now.


Luskin Learning Psychology Series No. 69

Special thanks: Toni Luskin Ph.D., for editorial and technical assistance.

OpenAI. (n.d.). ChatGPT. Retrieved: May 3rd, 2023 from

OpenAI. (n.d.). ChatGPT. Retrieved May 21st, 2023, from

Luskin, B.J. (2019). Synesthesia, Semiotics, Semantics and How We Learn. [Media Psychology]. Psychology Today, 46 (Luskin Learning Psychology).

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