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Nelisha Wickremasinghe, DProf.


Nelisha Wickremasinghe, DProf., is a psychologist, family therapist, author and educator. She is the founding director of The Dialogue Space, which provides depth therapy and coaching for individuals, couples, families, and corporate clients. She is also an Associate Fellow at Oxford University’s Said Business school, specialising in the psychobiology of personal and relational resilience. Wickremasinghe is particularly interested in exploring the multiplicity of selves that populate our unconscious, and how they play a significant role in influencing and directing our feelings, thoughts, and behaviours.

In her book Beyond Threat, Wickremasinghe explores unconscious motivations, particularly those of our threat brain, and the role warm awareness – our safe brain — plays in enabling us to face and overcome our difficulties. In her new book, Being with Others (January 2021), she explores whether our significant relationships are based on reciprocal respect, trust, and mutual growth, or the desire to avoid responsibility for our own problems, flaws, and fears.

Previous to her work in The Dialogue Space, Wickremasinghe founded an award-winning organic food and restaurant business and, for 10 years, was clinical and management lead in mental health and social care services.

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