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Ken Page L.C.S.W.


Ken Page, L.C.S.W., is a New York based psychotherapist, lecturer and author of the upcoming book Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy (Shambhala, 2014). A dynamic and inspiring speaker, he has led hundreds of workshops on intimacy and spirituality for thousands of participants of all ages, backgrounds and sexual orientations. He and his work have been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine, Life Magazine, The New York Times, WPIX-TV Morning News, The Advocate, Time Out New York, The Discovery Channel, and in many other places. Five years ago, Ken founded Deeper Dating (, a successful workshop and meeting event for single people committed to deeper values.

For psychotherapy, speaking engagements, or for any other questions, Ken can be reached at

Page teaches that our “core gifts” are the most direct path to love and a sense of mission. Core gifts aren't the same as talents or skills. They are the places of our deepest sensitivity, longing and passion—which is why our most painful wounds and insecurities surround them. Page's Gift Theory explores the crucial relationship between our gifts and wounds, and teaches ways of understanding and liberating those gifts which live at the core of our authentic self.

His first article on Gift Theory appeared in the peer-reviewed journal, GROUP (September, 2009). He also wrote the foreword to John McNeill’s most recent book, Sex As God Intended (Lethe Press, 2008).

His PT Blog is Finding Love.

Books by Ken Page L.C.S.W.
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