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Social Networking

Who Should be Responsible for Reporting Sexual Harassment?

How a culture of complacency facilitates silence.

Key Points:

  • Victims of workplace sexual harassment may wait months or years to come forward, usually out of fear of retaliation or of not being believed.
  • But bystanders, who may not suffer the same reputational consequences as the victim, often remain equally silent when they witness harassment.
  • A new study suggests that widespread cultures of complacency that exist in many organizations promote "network silence" and elevate harassers to positions of power.
  • Shifting the focus to the broader social network in which the harassment occurred—rather than blaming the victim for not coming forward—can create safe, respectful workplace environments.

Sexual harassment allegations dominate the news media every time an individual in a position of power is accused of engaging in conduct unbecoming. Prominent positions come with high expectations and standards of conduct. When the tone at the top falls flat, it sets a poor example for others to follow, because political leaders and public figures are role models and mentors.

Most cases of sexual harassment are revealed by the victims... but usually not right away. Particularly when the perpetrator is in a position of power, delayed disclosure is closer to the rule than the exception. Victims suffer in silence for years, often having to continue to work with (or for) the perpetrators, because they are reluctant to disrupt their professional network by bringing “drama” into the workplace. In addition, they fear retaliation, being blamed for causing the harassment, or do not believe they will be believed or taken seriously.

Yet sometimes victim credibility is not an issue because the harassing conduct occurs in front of others—who say nothing. Why not? Because in many settings, despite observation and even discomfort upon witnessing sexually harassing behavior, silence is maintained due to a culture of complacency.

Image by maximiliano estevez from Pixabay
Source: Image by maximiliano estevez from Pixabay

How Cultures of Complacency Protect Harassers

In a study entitled “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil” (2021), M. Sandy Hershcovis and coauthors examined the dynamic of network silence in the wake of sexual harassment. [i] In their conceptual review, they discuss the concept of network silence around sexual harassment, theorizing that “social network compositions and belief systems can promote network silence.” They specifically discuss how network composition and belief systems combine to facilitate network silence in the face of sexual harassment. They further explain that relevant belief systems “elevate harassers and men to central positions within networks, who in turn may promote problematic belief systems, creating a mutually reinforcing dynamic.”

How does this structural network behavior impact victims? Hershcovis et al. suggest that network silence facilitates ongoing sexual harassment through unaccountability and lack of consequences for perpetrators, as well as decreased support for victims, which contributes to victims’ decision to remain silent. They recognize that together, these dynamics generate a culture of sexual harassment.

Why a Spotlight on Social Networks Could Help Stop Harassment

Once they come forward, many victims of sexual harassment victims feel like they are the ones in the hot seat. But why should the spotlight of scrutiny shine only on them? Noting that it is time to re-examine the concept of silence surrounding sexual harassment, Hershcovis et al. suggest that in contrast to previous research, which focused on the victim as the party who should come forward, we should shift the focus to the broader social network within which sexual harassment occurs. This would increase responsibility for silence from victims to social network members, including witnesses and authority figures, and also would emphasize how silence is generated socially through supportive network elements.

Accordingly, Hershcovis et al. propose that instead of focusing solely on empowering victims to find their voice, organizations should also combat sexual harassment by intervening within the social forces that create network silence.

How Corporations Can Fight the Invisible Epidemic of Sexual Harassment

By focusing on methods of improving education and workplace accountability through measures to address both victims and surrounding staff, leaders, and broader social networks, we can find new ways to empower both victims and witnesses of sexual harassment to reveal inappropriate behavior sooner rather than later. This increased transparency and accountability will make the workplace a safe, healthy, respectful environment for everyone.


[i] Hershcovis, M. Sandy, Ivana Vranjes, Jennifer L. Berdahl, and Lilia M. Cortina. 2021. “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil: Theorizing Network Silence around Sexual Harassment.” Journal of Applied Psychology, February. doi:10.1037/apl0000861.

More from Wendy L. Patrick, J.D., M.Div., Ph.D.
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