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How to Think of Your Body as Beautiful at Any Size

Hating Yourself At Your Current Weight Is No Way to Initiate Positive Change

Showtime Networks (Ray Donovan)
Actors Alyssa Diaz and Dash Mihok appearing as Teresa and Bunchy on Showtime's "Ray Donovan."
Source: Showtime Networks (Ray Donovan)

It's no secret that I'm all in when it comes to everyone on this planet dropping excess body weight and getting fit and healthy. As someone who used to weigh over 450 pounds, I know what it's like to struggle to climb stairs (or even to not become winded or short of breath simply from talking on the phone). It's not rocket science. Losing even modest amounts of excess body weight offers major benefits.

But I have learned from my journey from fat to fit that hating or shaming ourselves in regard to our excess body weight is not condusive for inciting permanent, positive change. This means we need to start loving ourselves more in the present moment—as opposed to planning to love or like ourselves more once we've reached our goal weights.

Because this task of liking ourselves as we are in the now can be a challenge, I love when we can catch glimpses of body positive actors in favorite TV shows. This doesn't happen nearly enough in the media (which is why many of us have a skewed image of how we should look in the first place). We all come in different sizes. So for anyone struggling with weight and self-esteem issues (which usually occur hand-in-hand), seeing actors being gorgeous—and even sexy—at any size can be very freeing (not to mention healing).

Recently, I've been enthralled watching the beautiful Alyssa Diaz who appears as a wrestler-dominatrix—and this season's love interest for Bunchy—on Showtime's Ray Donovan. Ms. Diaz not only owns her body size, but also exhibits a very confidant sexual prowess both on and off camera. And no, I'm not saying Ms. Diaz is heavy. But she does show off a body size that we don't often see on TV or at the movies.

It's sad that this kind of exhibition of the body beautiful doesn't crop up more often on screen. Therefore, when it happens, I want to call attention to it with thunderous applause. So kudos to Ms. Diaz, to Ray Donovan, to Showtime and to all the viewers who support TV shows that demonstrate true diversity.

Fact is, the more we accept and respect others (no matter who they are or what they look like), the more disposed we'll be to extending that kind of acceptance (and even kindness) to ourselves. And when we shift our mindset about ourselves into a more positive mental space, we're more likely to to initiate healthy, positive change (whether that means losing weight, quitting smoking, changing careers—whatever).

It's true! You can do anything. But you'll probably find you're able to do it more easily (and more happily—not to mention faster) by loving yourself as you are before and during your journey to your goals.

Gregg McBride
My successful journey from over 450 pounds to a healthier weight of 175 pounds (a weight I've maintained for over a decade) would have never happened if I hated my "before" self.
Source: Gregg McBride
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