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2 Ways the "Wheel of Emotions" Can Emotionally Empower You

Feeling out of touch with your emotions? Here's how you can regain control.

Key points

  • There can sometimes be an inexplicable gap between experiencing our emotions and truly understanding them.
  • Self-awareness allows people to articulate their feelings more clearly and navigate them constructively.
  • The Wheel of Emotions categorizes emotions into primary and secondary groups, presented in a circular diagram.
rayul / Unsplash
Source: rayul / Unsplash

Many people come to therapy seeking support when they’re struggling with intense emotions or feeling lost after emotional breakdowns. They may say things like the following:

  • “I’m constantly on edge, like a pressure cooker ready to explode. Every little thing sets me off, and I feel like I’m walking on eggshells, waiting for the next explosion. I’m exhausted and desperate to regain control.”
  • “I can’t get rid of this empty feeling inside me. No matter what I do or how well I’m doing on the outside, I still feel unhappy and sad. It’s like I’m always looking for something to make me feel better, but nothing does. I wonder if I’ll ever be truly happy.”
  • “My mind is a battlefield, with thoughts racing and competing for attention. I can’t quiet the inner chatter, no matter how hard I try. It’s exhausting and affecting my focus and decision-making. I just want peace of mind, but I don’t know how to find it.”

Emotions can sometimes overwhelm or confuse us, as there can sometimes be a vague and inexplicable gap between experiencing our emotions and truly understanding them. This is a gap that can be plugged by the “wheel of emotions.”

Developed by psychologist Robert Plutchik, this tool categorizes emotions into primary and secondary groups and is presented in a circular diagram that vividly illustrates their interconnectedness.

By visually mapping out the connections between different feelings using this instrument, individuals can deepen their understanding of the subtleties within their emotional experiences. Such self-awareness is pivotal in therapy, allowing clients to articulate their feelings more clearly and navigate them constructively. However, its utility extends beyond therapy—it’s a valuable asset for anyone seeking to enrich their emotional intelligence and well-being in everyday life.

Here are two reasons to integrate the wheel of emotions into your daily life.

1. The Ability to Identify and Label Complex Emotions

The wheel of emotions offers a structured way to identify and label the wide range of emotions we experience, helping us articulate and comprehend our internal states more clearly. According to a 2018 study, simply labeling emotions can naturally and subtly regulate them, even without conscious effort.

By familiarizing ourselves with the diverse range of emotions depicted on the wheel, we refine our ability to discern subtle distinctions in our feelings. For example, we can differentiate between sadness and melancholy, or between excitement and anticipation. This heightened sensitivity to our emotional landscape enhances self-awareness and empowers us to navigate our internal experiences more effectively.

To boost emotional awareness using the wheel of emotions, incorporate it into daily reflection or introspective practices. Take a moment each day to consult the wheel, acquainting yourself with its emotions and their interconnections. Throughout your day, pay attention to your emotions and utilize the wheel to identify and label them.

For instance, if you feel unease or frustration, use the wheel to recognize the underlying emotions. Unease may stem from anxiety and uncertainty, while frustration could be rooted in anger or disappointment. Acknowledging these underlying emotions provides insight into the root causes of distress and facilitates effective resolution.

With consistent practice, your emotional vocabulary will deepen and become more refined. You’ll become more adept at discerning subtle emotional nuances and respond to different situations with greater insight and resilience.

2. A Gateway to “Advanced Empathy”

Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to understand, manage, and express emotions effectively, both within oneself and in relation to others. Research indicates that high emotional quotient correlates with improved emotional self-regulation, adeptness in navigating social situations, nurturing relationships, and better overall physical and mental health.

Utilizing insights gleaned from the wheel in social interactions helps individuals grasp how emotions influence thoughts and behaviors within interpersonal relationships. Becoming acquainted with the wheel’s diverse spectrum of emotions deepens self-awareness and enriches empathy and compassion toward others. Acknowledging that others may be contending with similar complex emotional states as our own fosters a sense of connection and solidarity.

To nurture empathy and connection, consider employing the following strategies:

  • Reflective listening: Armed with knowledge from the wheel, individuals can better discern emotional cues such as tone and body language, responding with sensitivity. For example, when consoling a friend through a breakup, the wheel of emotions can help you recognize that their sadness and frustration warrant empathetic reassurance and not practical advice. Reflecting back, one may say, “That sounds really tough.”
  • Validating emotions: Acknowledge the legitimacy of the other person’s feelings, even if it poses a challenge to agree with them. Avoid downplaying or dismissing emotions. Instead, employ phrases like, “I can understand why you would feel that way” or “Given the circumstances, it’s understandable.” For instance, if a family member expresses their fear of public speaking, validate their apprehension by acknowledging its ubiquity. You could say, “Feeling anxious about speaking in front of a crowd is entirely normal.” This validation creates a supportive environment where individuals feel heard and valued.
  • Seeking common ground: Look for shared emotional experiences to build bridges of connection. When appropriate, share personal feelings and experiences, demonstrating vulnerability and openness. For instance, in discussions about relocating to a new city, acknowledge shared emotions like excitement and uncertainty. Relationships are strengthened through storytelling and empathetic engagement.

As you navigate your emotional landscape, visit the wheel of emotions frequently as your guide. With each spin of the wheel, may you find clarity, connection, and a deeper understanding of yourself and those around you.

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