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3 Questions to Help Find Out if You're Still in Love

How to determine your true feelings about your intimate partner.

Key points

  • Determining whether you are still in love with your partner can be deeply personal and sometimes challenging.
  • Missing your partner is about missing their companionship and the comfort they provide.
  • Seeing a future together means you are willing to invest in the relationship and work through challenges.

Countless people ask themselves if they are still in love with their intimate partner (perhaps you are one of them). Uncertainty about your true feelings for your partner can be maddening. After all, we all want to feel a sense of security and healthy attachment to whom we choose to love most intimately.

Determining whether you are still in love with your partner can be deeply personal and sometimes challenging. Love evolves, and what once seemed clear-cut can become complex as relationships mature. However, asking yourself specific questions can help illuminate your true feelings.

Here are three pivotal questions: "Do you miss them?" "Do you enjoy their company?" And "Do you see a future together?" These questions came from my research for my book Why Can't You Read My Mind? I find these three questions unmatched for helping relationship partners grasp their actual level of feelings.

Do You Miss Them?

The first question to ask yourself is: "Do you miss them?" Missing someone signifies that they hold a significant place in your heart and mind. When you are apart, whether due to work, travel, or other commitments, the longing to be with them can indicate that your feelings are still strong. Missing your partner goes beyond just physical presence; it's about missing their companionship, their voice, their laughter, and the comfort they provide.

Thinking about your partner frequently when they are not around shows that they are an integral part of your life. This longing can manifest in different ways, such as feeling excited to see them after a long day or missing their support during tough times. It's a natural human response to crave the presence of those we love, and this feeling is a testament to the deep emotional bond you share.

However, it’s essential to differentiate between healthy longing and dependence. Healthy longing is about appreciating and valuing your partner’s presence, while dependence might indicate an inability to feel complete without them. If your feelings lean more towards the former, it's a good sign that love is still alive in your relationship.

Do You Enjoy Their Company?

Another crucial question is: "Do you enjoy their company?" Relationships thrive on companionship and shared experiences. Do you look forward to activities together, whether mundane or exciting? Do you enjoy simple moments, like having breakfast together or watching a movie on the couch?

Enjoying each other's company is a cornerstone of a loving relationship. It means you appreciate who they are and value your time together. It’s about feeling comfortable, happy, and at ease when you are with them. This enjoyment isn't just about grand gestures or exciting adventures; it's also found in the everyday moments that build a shared life.

Emotional connection is vital if you consistently find pleasure and satisfaction around your partner. On the other hand, if you feel indifferent or prefer spending time away from them, it might be a sign to reassess your feelings. Love is often reflected in the joy and contentment that comes from simply being in each other's presence.

Do You See a Future Together?

The third significant question is: "Do you see a future together?" Envisioning a shared future is a profound indicator of enduring love. It involves considering long-term plans, goals, and dreams and seeing your partner as a part of those aspirations. Do you discuss plans together? Do you think about how your life will look with them by your side years later?

Seeing a future together means you are willing to invest in the relationship and work through challenges. It reflects a commitment to growing together and facing life's ups and downs as a team. This forward-thinking mindset is crucial for maintaining a lasting relationship, showing that you value your present and long-term partner.

Moreover, discussing and aligning future goals can strengthen your bond. It ensures that both partners are on the same page and are working towards a shared vision. If you can't imagine your future without your partner, it’s a vital sign that your love for them is enduring.


In conclusion, asking yourself if you miss your partner, enjoy their company, and see a future together can provide valuable insights into your feelings. These questions help you assess the depth and strength of your love. If your answers affirm a solid emotional connection, joy in companionship, and a shared vision for the future, you are likely still very much in love with your partner. Remember, love evolves, but these fundamental feelings and aspirations can guide you in understanding the actual state of your relationship.

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