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New Year’s Resolutions: Setting Yourself Up for Success!

New Year’s Resolutions: Setting Yourself Up for Success!

Do you want to loose 5 pounds this year? Find a new job? Carve out more quality time with your family? If you find that keeping New Year's resolutions is tough, let's first start with 3 strategies on how to set them.

Be honest with yourself. Take time to listen to your heart to understand what you really want to accomplish. It needs to come from within you. If we have a clear vision of what we want, that often make it easier to reorganize our life to achieve it. It is important for our goals to align with our core values and beliefs.

Be specific. Write down your goal in very detailed terms. Instead of "I want to exercise more," try to map out exactly what you would like to do. "I plan to go to the gym four times a week and exercise for an hour each time" is better because it sets out an intention and plan of action. Try to be as specific as possible.

Create a support system. Surround yourself with support to help you achieve your goal. Is there a group of like-minded people that you can join? Is there someone who has already achieved a similar goal who can act as a mentor? Perhaps an online community can offer support? People who have already "been there, done that" can be instrumental as you form new habits. And who knows, you might make some new friends along the way!

What are your New Year's resolutions? Which groups could you lean on for support?

About the Author
Michelle Gielan

Michelle Gielan is a journalist and wellness expert, receiving a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from UPenn. She is a former national CBS News anchor.

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