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How to Communicate in a World of Spin

A virus of falseness is only getting worse and no one, it seems, is spared.

Source: shutterstock

If you watch or listen to the election buzz or any news for that matter your mind may be infected by Spin, a contagion of half-truths, fearful fictions, and blatant deceit. Spin-doctored sound bites by partisan pundits show up on every front. This virus of falseness is only getting worse and no one, it seems, is spared the plague of this spin.

It seems to me that truth has become passé, unpopular, even taboo for the media. They have become infected with Spin too and seem to hide the truth, and manipulate it at every turn to get more viewers or push their agenda. What we witness now is people taking sides and staking out their battleground using words as weapons to cover up self-serving, power-hungry lies. And as the polls show, we have lost faith in many of our leaders and even sadder in each other.

Is it any wonder then that so many of our moments at home and work present us with a confusing muddle of cross currents that bump us off course?

Here’s a Four Step Protocol for Keeping Truth Alive in Your Communications.

Step One – What’s so?

No spin here, just state what’s going on matter-of-factly with no drama; as if you were reporting the time of day: “I walked in and saw your dishes in the sink.”

Step Two – What is my Whole Body Truth?

Again, no spin here. Scan your body, feelings, emotions, and report the findings:

“I notice that my belly feels a little tight and queasy. I feel disappointed, even a little angry when I see your dirty dishes from this morning.”

Step Three--Explain the source of your feelings.

And again, no spin. Don’t make it about them where they can get defensive. This stops you from get entangled and in a tug of war: “When I saw the sink with your dishes I had feelings come up around my requests not being honored. I personally have a need when I come home from work, to see that everything is straightened up, and fresh and ready. It helps me relax and forget my day at work.

Step Four-Ask for what you need.

Be sincere. Make sure you are not whining or complaining or sending off threatening body signals: “I am glad I got to tell you how important having dishes cleaned after breakfast. I appreciate that you listened. I have a request. Before you leave for the day would you be willing to make sure to clean up your dishes?

We can’t control the media or the pundits who are loyal to special interests, but we can control how we speak to one another.

For more on this style of communication,

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