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The Dangers of Losing Executives Due to RTO Mandates

CEOs change their stance on remote work.

Key points

  • One-third of executives plan to leave their jobs due to return-to-office mandates.
  • Recent surveys show a significant shift in CEO opinion away from forced RTO policies.
  • Female executives face a 30% higher attrition risk due to caregiving burdens if RTO is enforced.
  • High executive attrition from RTO mandates threatens organizational stability and growth.
RDNE Stock project/Pexels
Source: RDNE Stock project/Pexels

Recent research from the HR sdvisory company Gartner HR highlights a stark reality: One-third of executives faced with return-to-office mandates plan to leave their employers. The significant misalignment between organizational policies and employee preferences is not only a barrier to recruitment but also a catalyst for losing valuable leadership. The alarming statistic serves as a harbinger of potential crises in leadership and organizational stability as companies try to force more employees to come to the office.

Perhaps that’s why there has been a big swing in CEO opinions against forced RTO. In a survey of 1,300 global chief executives by KPMG 2023 Global CEO Outlook, 63% predicted a full-time RTO within three years for all of their employees. By 2024, however, in KPMG’s most recent survey of CEO opinions, the pendulum had swung back: Only 34% thought that their employees would work the traditional Monday-Friday, 9-5 in-office schedule within three years.

Given the similar surveys by the same organization, the findings can’t be attributed to sampling bias or tweaking the questions. Iinstead, we need to conclude that we’re seeing a real swing in CEO opinions.

Despite this swing, the 34% who do want their staff in the office more often represent a large number of organizations. It forces the conclusion that many organizations ignore the threats of losing their staff, including executives, in pushing for more days in the office.

RTO Mandates: Executives vs. Rank-and-File Staff

How does the impact of RTO policies differ between executives and rank-and-file employees? A November 2023 Gartner survey of over 3,500 employees found that 19% of non-executives would leave their organization due to an RTO mandate. But remember Gartner’s finding putting that number at over a third of excutives, compared to just under a fifth of non-executives—revealing a disproportionate impact on leadership. The discrepancy suggests that while rank-and-file staff may reluctantly comply with RTO policies, senior leaders, whose experience and vision are critical to organizational success, are less willing to compromise.

The results of a Deloitte and Workplace Intelligence survey aligns with this finding, highlighting that 66% of leaders in the finance industry feel prepared to leave if required to return to the office full-time. And while the looming flight of leadership talent triggered by back-to-base edicts is troubling, an even more pressing concern lurks beneath: namely, the particularly higher likelihood of attrition of female executives.

The findings unveil a ticking time bomb for decision-makers juggling professional and personal care duties. Such individuals face a 30% higher likelihood of jumping ship if their work-from-home privileges evaporate. Regrettably, the caregiving burden still falls disproportionately on women.

The Impact of Losing Executives Due to RTO Mandates

The departure of senior executives due to RTO mandates presents a multifaceted problem. It weakens the leadership bench and complicates succession planning, threatening long-term stability and growth. Organizations facing such losses must contend with the immediate fallout of leadership voids and the longer-term challenges of nurturing and developing new leaders in a disrupted environment.

Losing executives to RTO mandates has ripple effects across an entire organization. An April 2024 Gartner survey of HR leaders revealed that 64% of them expressed concern that on-site requirements would increase attrition among senior leaders. Their anxiety is well-founded, as the departure of key leaders can lead to several adverse outcomes. Executives possess deep organizational knowledge that is not easily replaceable. Their departure can result in a significant loss of expertise and strategic insight.

Leaders play a crucial role in maintaining team cohesion and morale. Their exit can disrupt team dynamics and lead to further disengagement among remaining staff. Finding and onboarding new executives is a costly and time-consuming process. Organizations may face heightened expenses and prolonged periods of instability during the transition. High attrition rates, particularly among leadership, can damage an organization's reputation as an employer of choice, making it harder to attract top talent in the future.

To mitigate the risks associated with RTO mandates, organizations must adopt a more flexible and employee-centric approach. This involves re-evaluating rigid RTO policies and considering hybrid models that balance organizational needs with employee preferences.

Key strategies include engaging in transparent communication, offering flexible work options, investing in leadership development, and prioritizing employee well-being. Open dialogues with employees about the rationale behind RTO policies and actively seeking their input can build trust and foster a sense of collaboration. Providing a range of flexible work arrangements, such as hybrid models or remote work options, can accommodate diverse employee needs and preferences.

Organizations should focus on developing internal talent pipelines to ensure a steady flow of capable leaders who are aligned with the company’s vision and culture. Addressing burnout and promoting mental health can enhance employee engagement and loyalty, reducing the likelihood of attrition.

Thus, the push for RTO mandates poses a significant threat to organizational stability, particularly in retaining senior executives. The misalignment between organizational policies and employee preferences poses a serious risk that can disrupt leadership continuity and strategic direction. By adopting more flexible work arrangements and prioritizing employee well-being, organizations can better navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, retaining their top talent and ensuring long-term success.

A version of this article was published on


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