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Why NOT to Diet in 2015

Four reasons why this popular New Year's resolution is a DON'T

As we countdown the final moments of 2014, millions of people will think not of the wonderful accomplishments of the past year, but of the improvements they hope to make in the year to come. Rather than gratitude and appreciation for all that we have, we see the New Year as a time to “start fresh” and chase fantasies of the life that we believe we should be living.

As in years past, the most popular New Year’s resolution in 2015 will be to lose weight. Why is this such a popular resolution? Because people link weight loss with all kind of other things such as improved health, happiness, a better job, better relationships, a better life. Most of these things don’t have anything to do with weight loss. When people say that they want to lose weight in 2015, usually what they mean is that they want to be strolling on the beach with Brad Pitt, being loved and admired looking fabulous in a string bikini. News flash: unless you are Angelina Jolie, your prospects of strolling arm in arm with Brad Pitt are bleak for 2015, even if you do manage to lose those pesky 10 pounds. So, before you make yet another New Year’s resolution to lose weight, here are a few more things that dieting will NOT do:

1. Dieting will NOT make you happy

We watch the weight loss advertisements on television and we see images of happy joyous thin people enjoying all that life has to offer. The media convinces us that dieting leads to happiness. But when has dieting ever lead to happiness? Can you recall any experiences when you joyously counted points and euphorically abstained from tempting chocolate cake? I’ll let your own past experiences speak for themselves on this one. But research does show that, rather than leading to happiness, dieting has a negative impact on psychological wellbeing.

2. Dieting will NOT make you healthy

Eating delicious foods in ways that are mindfully attuned to your body and engaging in enjoyable forms of physical movement are fundamental to health. Our body has an internal compass that can guide us towards good health. Diets only serve to distract us from what our body is trying to tell us. When we are dieting, we ignore our body’s natural signals, trying to override our natural physiology, following instead the advice of some diet guru.

3. Dieting will NOT improve your self-confidence

Dieting is based on the assumption that we are not good enough as we currently are. Therefore, we need to deprive ourselves to atone for our sins of overindulgence. Dieting keeps us focused on our perceived flaws, somehow convincing us that self-criticism will serve as motivation for weight loss. This does not work. Harsh internal judgments take a toll on our self-esteem making us feel sad, inferior, hopeless, and all around lousy.

4. Dieting will NOT lead to weight loss

Research study after research study shows us that dieting is simply not an effective means of achieving meaningful long-term sustainable weight loss. In fact, the most consistent predictable outcome of dieting is weight gain. Most people will lose weight in the short term on a diet but will regain the weight—with interest—in the long term. This is because diets don’t work. Not because you aren’t doing the diet correctly.

So, for 2015, I’m taking the No Dieting Pledge. I hope you’ll join me in resolving NOT to diet in 2015.

Below is the No Dieting Pledge. If you want to take the pledge, please print, sign, and hang somewhere prominent (I suggest using the pledge to plaster over the "motivation" images currently hung on your refrigerator). To publically take the pledge, please write your name in the comment section of this post.

In 2015, I resolve NOT to diet. I will NOT spend my valuable time, money, and emotional resources to fund the over $60 billion weight loss industry that feeds off of my low self-worth. I will NO LONGER be convinced that I am a failure because my diet has failed me. I recognize that diets DO NOT work. The most predictable outcomes of dieting are weight gain, disordered eating, and emotional distress. I will NOT judge my self-worth by the number on a scale but by the quality of my person, the things that I do, and the way in which I live my life.

In 2015, I WILL strive to accept my body in its current shape and size. Because this is the body that I have right here, right now, and no amount of hating myself will change that fact. I pledge to support this body in its pursuit of health. I recognize that healthy bodies come in a diverse range of shapes and sizes. Health is NOT determined by weight, but by how we nourish our body through self-care, mindful eating, and movement. In 2015, I WILL strive to honor and care for this body that I was given to the best of my ability by listening, trusting, and respecting my body.



Image courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons

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