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4 Gifts to Give Your Romantic Partner

From gratitude to sleep, the perfect gifts to show your love

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If you are struggling to think of the perfect gift for your loved one this holiday season, try giving them one of these relationship boosters:


Give your partner a big thanks for being in your life. Expressing gratitude not just for what your partner does but for who they are as a person is a powerful way to let them know how much they mean to you. And gratitude is the gift that keeps on giving—partners who feel appreciated are more likely to express gratitude themselves.

Read more on the benefits of gratitude here

2. Novelty

The excitement of a new relationship inevitably wanes over time, but doing something new together can help rekindle some of the initial excitement and bring you closer together. It doesn’t have to be something extreme or expensive, try taking a hike in a park you’ve never been to or going out to a new restaurant.

Read more on the benefits of novelty here

3.The Benefit of the Doubt

The next time you and your partner have a misunderstanding, give your partner the benefit of the doubt by assuming the best—if they forgot to call, assume they were distracted by work stress; if they made a cutting remark, assume they were sleep-deprived and didn’t mean it. These little mental tricks to prevent yourself from leaping to the worst conclusions can have long lasting effects on the quality of your relationship.

More on giving the benefit of the doubt here

4. Sleep

The holiday season can be busy, leaving little time for sleep. But lack of sleep can put a serious damper on enjoying the festivities. Giving your partner the opportunity to catch up on sleep could be a gift for both of you, and making sure you get the sleep you need to make you a happy, supportive partner is a worthy gift as well. If you have days off together, snuggle up and take a nap to catch up after a night out or agree to go to bed early rather than stay up to watch another episode of tv.

More on the benefits of sleep for your relationship here

More from Amie M. Gordon, Ph.D.
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