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The Real Story on Preventing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

A new review on environmental threats to healthy aging.

New comprehensive, credible review on environmental threats to healthy aging appears. We have been very pleased to work with a distinguished group of very credible clinicians and scientists who have produced a new report entitled "Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging" which supports and builds on our views in The Myth of Alzheimer's. This report, which can be downloaded in its entirety here, offers the most comprehensive review of the currently available research on the lifetime influences of environmental factors on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases that has been published to date.

On our web site The Myth of Alzheimer's see a clip from today's Today Show, which features the report "Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging" that supports our work and features The Intergenerational School. This innovative communty public school started by my wife and me in Cleveland not only provides a well-documented and award winning education for kids but benefits elders with memory challenges as well. People with dementia need the same thing we all need, particulary as we get older, a sense of purpose, communtiy and legacy.

Danny and I strongly encourage anyone interested in brain aging and its environmental determinants to read this excellent report.

Peter Whitehouse

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