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Asthma: The Young and the Breathless

Although you can't always prevent asthma, you can help your kids cope. Nine million American children suffer asthma attacks, and they will miss some 14 million school days because of it.

Nine million American children suffer asthma attacks—terrifying moments in which it is difficult to breathe—and they will miss approximately 14 million school days because of it.

Although parents can't necessarily prevent asthma, studies reveal that they can help their kids cope by understanding the disease.

Kids with asthma are more likely to have parents who suffer from anxiety disorders, according to a Puerto Rican study. The researchers theorize that the unpredictability of children's asthma
attacks provokes anxiety in adults, which in turn may aggravate childhood asthma, creating a vicious cycle. The researchers suggest that doctors watch for signs of anxiety in parents when they bring their children in for treatment.

Children often fail to take their asthma medication. But older kids are even less likely to follow their medication regime than younger children. A Denver study found that kids between the ages of 8 and 16 usually take only 45 percent of their prescribed medication. Doctors recommend folding meds into daily routines, like brushing teeth.

Don't blame the cat. When it comes to triggering an asthma attack, the worst culprits are cockroaches that lurk in many city apartments, according to a University of Texas study. Humans are allergic to the saliva, feces and skin cells left by roaches. Suburban and rural homes also have their dangers: Single-family homes often have high levels of dust mites.

Medication may alter a child's emotions and behavior. Many asthma medications lower levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, and low levels
of serotonin are associated with depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). South African researchers say parents whose children are taking asthma medication should watch for signs of defiance, aggression and depression.