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Words as Couriers of Love

The expression of words and their intention can create connections of love.

Image by B. Luceigh
Love Keyboard
Source: Image by B. Luceigh

For weeks now, the smoke from the California wildfires has spread to where I live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This morning there was some relief breathing as the smoke density decreased. The mountains across the valley were visible again but through a thin haze. The temperature also fell enough during the night to tolerate the morning hours outside. I was able to sit under a tree and have some moments to reflect on all the anxieties that have lingered in my heart and mind for months now.

In these very distressing times, I still have much for which to be grateful. I myself am fine for now. However, it never really stops that my inner awareness includes others who are suffering in such horrible ways every day. I have had times of suffering in my past, but nothing like what is so deep and expansive as we’re all witnessing now. I view this historic time as an opportunity for collective transformation. How we deal with such complex issues will no doubt require extended reflection, action, and compassion. For now, the focus of my heart this morning remains with those suffering.

When one is in a state of spiritual connection to the Divine, it may be called prayer, meditation, supplication or simply sitting under a tree. Such a state usually brings me a sense of calm, reverence, deep listening, and an awareness of space without any edge. Lately, the plight of others keeps reappearing in that space. I connect to them and then become heartbroken. Tears fall and my breathing seems to prepare for a sob that never comes. I have an image of their liquid pains flowing through me as if I serve them as a release valve for their gigantic reservoir of tears.

I often feel like action is needed. As a result, my house has been getting cleaner and cleaner—a clear indication that symbolic action is my substitute! What action can I take that could more directly help others? I can donate; I can be kind to all those near me. I do these things and others, but what else can I do?

Today I write this post to do something else. I want to speak to friends and strangers reading this who are in need of a sense of connection to others. I can wish many things for you that I cannot directly provide: money to feed your family, a job, good health, a place to live in, and more. What I can directly provide is the offering of a loving connection, human to human, through my words in this moment. The love I refer to is spiritual/universal love. It is not the shallow meaning applied to one’s favorite movie or flavor of ice cream.

Every word I write now comes from my heart to your heart whatever your situation. Whether you are hungry, walking in a protest, looking through the glass at a dying relative, sick yourself with COVID, or down to your last dollar, there can be no exceptions when giving love. I send it as well to those unaware they are trapped by their own prejudices, misinformation, dishonesty, or greed for power. All of us need loving connections but we must also be aware if they are offered from a truly loving source, be it others or ourselves.

For me, love exists throughout edgeless space and can be manifest in multiple ways. The manifestation that is most meaningful to me personally is beauty. I experience beauty as a pure formless source than gives rise to differentiated forms of structures and processes. When I say I send you love as I write, I have an image in my mind’s eye as I do.

I see love traveling as beauty held within the individual words themselves. When the words reach you, beauty is released into an object or activity. You may experience it by focusing on your own heart gently surrounded with a brilliant light emitted from the words. You may experience it by noticing something in proximity to you that lights up with beauty, such as a flower, a photo, a song, or a child playing. Whatever it is, simply be with it and accept it as an outer expression of the loving words, “You are not alone but connected to all within the edgeless space of love.”

Beauty can always be recognized as a felt sense of being connected to others, whether a person, an artwork, a natural scene, or an act of kindness. Beauty manifests a connection of love. This is not easy to experience when forces of disconnection compete so strongly as now. I feel we must nonetheless be dedicated to the practice of creating loving connections as a significant pursuit in our mysterious shared process of transformation.

To see beauty within the hovering presence of a hummingbird is to know beauty simultaneously as motion and stillness.

To have a finger touch beauty in the petal of a flower is to know beauty in the instant of connection.

To sense an inner glow arising from your own generosity is to know the light of beauty has been offered through you.

To feel comforted by the compassion of another is to know that beauty is an embrace capable of holding the Infinite.

To give or receive lovingkindness is to know that beauty connects either direction.

I started this morning with the reality and symbolism of smoke clearing and overheated conditions cooling down. May we all move forward with more clarity and less anger knowing each of us is connected through shared love. I am grateful for these moments spent writing words intended to become couriers of love arriving as the presence of beauty, ready to release love near or within you, the reader, in this moment, and in the memory of it.

© Betty Luceigh, August 30, 2020.

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