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How to Field 3 Common Reactions to Assessment Results

Reactions can vary widely but lead to high-quality conversations.

Key points

  • Common assessment results reactions can facilitate high-quality conversations.
  • Responses to assessment results include that the results are wrong, exactly correct, or that they changed.
  • When done correctly, assessments help individuals become more self-aware and, in turn, grow and develop.

As an $8 billion industry, assessments are a ubiquitous tool for coaches, consultants, leadership and development personnel, and many other human capital professionals. When done correctly, assessments can be incredibly useful for helping individuals become more self-aware and, in turn, grow and develop.

But as any assessment-savvy professional will attest, the assessment takers' reactions to assessment results vary widely. Along those lines, outlined below are three of the most popular reactions, and how those responsible for coaching assessment takers can field those reactions to facilitate high-quality conversations.

1. “My assessment results are wrong.”

If assessment takers are claiming that their results are wrong, there’s likely one of three things happening. First, it could simply be a bad assessment. Assuming, however, that the assessment meets appropriate thresholds for reliability and validity, this is unlikely to be the issue.

Second, the individual could have taken the assessment in a setting that created inflation bias (i.e., rating good things high and bad things low) or social desirability bias (i.e., rating how you want others to perceive you). But if the setting was confidential and/or anonymous, this also is unlikely to be the issue.

Third, it could be that the person is not self-aware of their blindspots and not open-minded enough to see the truth. For example, when an assessment taker is told that they are relatively “stuck in their ways,” and then argues voraciously that they are not stubborn, this is an ironic indicator that they are not getting the point. This is the coach’s moment to shine. The goal should be to ask key questions that allow the assessment taker to see for themselves that the assessment results may indeed have some merit. But be careful, as the assessment taker must come to their own realization of an assessment result’s validity.

2. “My assessment results are spot on.”

On the opposite end, one of the most energizing moments for those in coaching roles is when the assessment taker enthusiastically reports that an assessment result is "spot on." The tendency on the part of both parties is to celebrate this discovery and then move on. This is a mistake.

When a eureka moment happens, this is the time to keep going and delve deeper. The moment when assessment takers feel connected to a finding is the best opportunity to pause and reflect. During these moments, the assessment taker is in an optimal state of mind for translating their insight into actionable behaviors. Don’t miss the opportunity to push assessment takers to contextualize their insights. Asking more pointed questions such as why, when and how the results manifest, will lead to exponential self-discoveries.

3. “My assessment results changed.”

Many assessment takers have taken assessments in the recent past, expecting that their results will be the same forever. Those in coaching roles need to help assessment takers understand why such changes might be happening.

The first part of the conversation should focus on what exactly is being assessed. By definition, trait-based concepts like personality should remain relatively consistent across time (e.g., today and five years from now) and context (e.g., at home and at work). But assessments that evaluate concepts like strengths, motivational drivers or work culture preferences, for example, are inclined to evolve given the growth trajectory and changing circumstances of the individual.

Another reason assessment results change over time is because of so-called “life shocks.” Becoming a parent, losing a loved one, having a traumatic work experience—all of these are major events that have the potential to change how we view and interact with the world. As a salient and recent example, the Covid-19 pandemic was a major disruptor in terms of life choices—where to work, what to prioritize and more. The goal, then, is to help assessment takers think through why their results have changed and what that means for their future.

Those interested in leveraging the power of assessments typically focus on the content of the assessment: the dimensions, outcomes and the like. This is just a starting point. The biggest opportunity for self-awareness and growth lies in the ability to help individuals engage in rich and dynamic self-reflection. Monitor the assessment taker’s reactions and proceed accordingly.

More from Scott Dust, Ph.D.
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