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How to Retain Virtual Employees

To retain virtual employees requires an emotional connection.

Key points

  • Organizations are struggling to retain virtual employees.
  • Retention of virtual employees is more challenging than retention of face-to-face employees.
  • Organizations should focus on affect commitment to increase the likelihood of virtual employee retention.

Organizations are hiring remote employees in droves. This has made the lives of hiring managers much easier, because doing so significantly broadens the talent pool. Employees seem to enjoy it as well, as it has become an important source of flexibility and overall well-being.

However, there’s a catch: Virtual employees feel less committed to their organizations. When relationships are established and maintained purely through technology, employees can easily move on to alternative organizations.

The problem is that organizations are failing to adapt their approach to maintaining organizational culture. The opportunities to establish relationships, share perspectives, and build professional and personal familiarity are much easier in face-to-face environments. Virtual employees require a more targeted approach.

When organizations evaluate organizational commitment—the psychological precursor to turnover—they typically only consider what organizational psychologists call continuance commitment. This is problematic. Continuance commitment is relatively transactional—it’s a cost-benefit analysis. If my organization offers me an employment package that is commensurate with the time and energy I put into my job, I’ll stay. But this is only one form of commitment, and, unfortunately, it’s less impactful than the second type of commitment called affective commitment.

Affective commitment entails a sense of emotional attachment and identification with the organization’s mission and culture. Research illustrates that as employees experience a sense of affective commitment, they are less likely to turnover and more likely to have higher attendance, performance, and engage in helping behaviors.

It has become increasingly difficult for organizations to create and facilitate emotional, identity-based bonds with virtual employees. In many cases, relationships putter along without there ever being a targeted, thoughtful attempt at building a sense of affective attachment. This makes it much easier for employees to move on to something new.

The Three Solutions

Thankfully, organizations can execute a handful of tactics that can increase affective commitment for virtual employees. Here are three.

Face-to-Face Onboarding

Whenever possible, onboarding should be done face to face. Even if the onboarding is as short as 48 hours, it’s worth it. Employees will be exponentially more comfortable speaking up, expressing concerns, and asking questions when they can read the room. Interestingly, turnover is at its highest during the first several months of an employee’s tenure. When employees feel lost, emotional attachment is inevitably low, making it easier for them to leave.

Quarterly On-sites

When employees were primarily face-to-face, company off-sites typically fell flat. Employees don’t want to spend time and energy doing activities with people they already see daily. But the tables have turned in the virtual working world.

Virtual employees want to shake hands and get to know colleagues more personally. They want to build trust, establish connections, and network—key components of affective commitment—all of which can be done efficiently during a one- or two-day event.

Along those lines, the best practice nowadays is to do quarterly on-sites where all remote employees come to a physical meeting space, such as an event center or headquarters. The key here is to create an on-site experience that is enjoyable and useful. A bad on-site experience will do more harm than good. Thoughtful agendas, high-quality interaction experiences, and strategic information are a must.

Familiarity Through Technology

Technology has allowed us to have virtual employees, which should be leveraged to increase affective commitment. The biggest obstacle for virtual employees is their struggle to garner professional familiarity: understanding colleagues’ tendencies, strengths, values, and work-related preferences. Professional familiarity is the psychological foundation that facilitates trust and high-quality team interactions, which are important precursors to affective commitment.

Organizations should invest in HR tech that facilitates professional familiarity. Employees need accurate, actionable, and on-demand information about their colleagues’ psychographics. Doing so will significantly heighten interpersonal understanding among team members.

It Pays to Think Outside of the Box

These three suggestions are just the beginning; the tactics we know already work. Organizations that want to lead their industry in retaining virtual talent through heightened affective commitment should continue to experiment, monitor results, and adapt.

For example, why not go beyond on-site and start offering employees opportunities to do non-work-related retreats? Organizationally-funded wellness retreats—mediation, yoga, healthy cooking—seem like easy opportunities for helping employees get to know each other.

Another idea is to stop asking virtual employees to visit the organization and instead have the organization go to the virtual employees. Perhaps managers could fly out for a day trip to treat their staff to a meal and some kind of event? Business development professionals do this regularly with prospects. Why not invest the same kind of travel budget in retaining virtual employees?

To successfully retain virtual employees will take much more than a competitive salary. That approach is only helpful for continuous commitment. Organizations that want affective commitment will need to focus on face-to-face onboarding, regular on-sites, and building familiarity through technology. They’ll also need to get creative. Over time, organizations that get serious about retaining virtual talent will reap the cultural and financial rewards.

More from Scott Dust, Ph.D.
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