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Laura Martocci Ph.D.


Laura Martocci, Ph.D., has a broad range of experience in higher education and community-based projects. A social psychologist, she has authored books, workbooks, chapters, and papers on bullying and shame, on neuroscience and social pain, and on expressive writing and narrative memory.

Laura began consulting with NYC schools while on faculty at Wagner College, where she also served as Dean of Experiential Learning. A certified mediator, she has recently been involved in developing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curricula, as well as working within the autism community.

Her current work, which centers around identity (re)construction, includes a full-day workshop called “Shattered: the ART of Change,” as well as a project called The Emotion Spa ( The spa offers personalized emotion-health services, including meditations, expressive writing prompts, and strategizing work with victims of bullying.

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