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Stepping Into Your Personal Power

Discover your personal power with these six steps.

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At the beginning of 2020, most of us probably thought this would be our year. I know I did. At the start of the new decade, I had plans laid out, and so did most people. However, 2020 took the world by surprise. It appears everything is just falling apart — and in times like this, I can imagine how many people feel lost.

I know at some point, I did too. Being a control freak, it’s hard to not be able to control the direction in which your life is taking, especially if that direction requires you to put yourself out there. But amid all the chaos and feeling helpless, something beautiful happened to me. And I realized that 2020 is meant to teach us to step into our personal power. Let me elaborate…

Why Should You Step Into Your Personal Power?

Most people just go through life as victims, reacting to everything that life throws at them. I was once like this, too. But even though we cannot control what happens to us, we can control how we react to it — even when it appears you do not have a choice.

If you are wondering why you need to take action towards stepping into your own personal power, there is one simple reason: to become the best version of yourself that functions at the best of your 12 dimensions of life.

Most people have been locked in their homes for almost six months. Now that half the year is gone, It is a splendid time to evaluate what you have done with those six months. Many will blame the pandemic as to why they have not made progress.

While it is understandable that it has been heavy on everyone, it is inexcusable to not have done at least one thing to improve yourself, to take yourself at least one more step closer to being the best that you can be. If you have done nothing, however, it isn’t too late to use this time to step into your personal power.

How to Step Into Your Personal Power

Even though 2020 has been a tough year, not only for me but for many people, 2019 was also difficult. I lost a lot of time wallowing about my misfortunes and how life was unfair because I lost opportunities and I lost myself. I realized I had to build resilience to face what I was going through, and to be honest, it is easier said than done.

It put me in a position where I had to practice what I preach — and oh boy, was it quite a test. But now I realize if I had not gotten the opportunity to practices resilience in 2019, I probably would not step into my personal power despite what 2020 has been.

If you are wondering where to start, here are a few steps you can follow that worked for me.

1. Make the Decision to Follow Through

Before you can do anything in life, you need to mentally prepare yourself to tackle whatever hurdle that is standing between you and your goal. The journey of stepping into your personal power is not an easy one; you will fall, you will feel like giving up, and there will be days that you just want to go back into your comfort zone where you do not have to take responsibility.

I, too, often feel like going back to my comfort zone. But each time you feel like going back, ask yourself this question: Why did you leave it in the first place? If you have no intention of following through, then do not waste your time starting the process. You are better off binge-watching Netflix.

2. Have a Plan

After making that decision to step into your personal power, put together a plan. Determine what exactly you need to change to be in control of your life. Set realistic goals. Sometimes the reason we easily give up is that we try to go from 0 to 100. Change doesn’t work like that. You need to be gradual. Be kind to yourself by doing what you can when you can. The important thing is you are taking action.

3. Learn and Research

Your goals may include improving your emotional intelligence, losing weight, or learning a new skill that will improve the quality of your life. You need to research and learn additional information that you can apply during acquiring that new skill.

Develop a habit of dedicating a few minutes of the day towards learning and improving. It may be 30 minutes a day of reading or watching a YouTube channel that will help you achieve your goal. You will be shocked by how 30 minutes a day can transform your life.

4. Change Your Routine and Habits

There are things that you will need to let go of that take away from your personal power. As mentioned before, start small. Don’t make drastic changes because your brain isn’t wired to make big changes. Like a child, you need to trick it out of the comfort zone. For instance, if you usually wake up at 9 a.m., you cannot just suddenly start waking up at 5 a.m. That is too much of a drastic change for your body to handle.

If your goal is waking up earlier than you usually do, try waking up 15 to 30 minutes earlier than your usual time until eventually, you reach your intended goal. Plant bits and pieces of actions within your daily routine that will help you achieve your goal.

5. Understand Yourself

Getting to know yourself is one of the most powerful things that you can do to help yourself step into your personal power. When you know yourself, you can control yourself, and when you can control yourself, you can control your life. And that is all that you need to be happy: self-control.

This period of staying at home is the perfect time to unravel things about yourself and understand why you do what you do. One of the best things that I took the time to understand about myself was why I love the way I love. Understanding your attachment style can help improve your relationships and taking personality tests can also help you understand a lot about you and what you may need to work on.

6. Stay in the Present

The reason we often go through life as victims is because we often focus on things we cannot control. We are stuck in the past we cannot change or we obsess over the future we know nothing about. Stepping into your power is mostly staying in the present. Ask yourself: What can I do now? Because you can only control now.

These six steps may seem cliché or easy to do, but they aren’t. I often spoke about it and wrote about it until it was time I had to implement them. That is when I realized it was difficult. Often I would fall back into the old habits and if you are just starting out you will too. However, when you do, do not beat yourself up. Just continue from where you left until you reach your goals.

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