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Janet Sasson Edgette Psy.D.


Janet Sasson Edgette, Psy.D., M.P.H. is a psychologist, author, workshop leader, and speaker who has worked with teenagers and consulted with parents for over 35 years in her Philadelphia-based private practice. She is also the author of seven books including her most recent, Therapeutic Conversations with Adolescents: Helping Teens in Therapy Thrive in an Ultra-Competitive and Screen-Saturated World. Her other books inlcude Adolescent Therapy That Works: Helping Kids Who Never Asked for Help in the First Place and Stop Negotiating with Your Teen: Strategies for Parenting Your Angry, Moody, Manipulative or Depressed Adolescent. Another title, The Last Boys Picked: Helping Boys Who Don’t Play Sports Survive Bullying and Boyhood, describes the challenges faced by non-sporty boys growing up in the shadows of aggrandized athletes.

For much of her career, Sasson Edgette has focused on offering therapy services to young people that they value and respect, and want to participate in, eliminating the miserable and degrading tug-of-war and other power struggles many clinicians endure when working with this population. She has taught her approach, Modern Teen Therapy, for more than three decades to groups throughout the US and Canada. Besides speaking to professional audiences, she often addresses groups of parents about how they can stay connected to kids entering adolescence and becoming young adults. Credibility, respect and accountability are cornerstone values in both her therapy and parenting approaches.

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