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Christina Pierpaoli Parker Ph.D.


Christina Pierpaoli Parker, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) specializing in adult and geriatric behavioral medicine. As a fellow, she has developed UAB’s Integrated Behavioral Medicine Service (iBeMS), which provides brief, evidence-based psychiatric treatment in primary and specialty care settings throughout UAB’s health system.

Pierpaoli Parker received a Fulbright-Killam fellowship to the University of Toronto prior to earning her Ph.D. from the University of Alabama and completing her clinical residency at UAB. Her broad research and clinical interests include developing translational behavioral interventions for preventing and managing comorbid psychiatric and chronic health conditions in mid-to-later life.

She has published research in peer-reviewed publications including Aging & Health, The Clinical Gerontologist, Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, and International Psychogeriatrics, and she and her work have been featured on CNN, CNBC, Verizon, Kiplinger, and Healthline.

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