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Evolutionary Psychology

Apparently, I was right about Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps DOES do everything he does in order to get laid.

At the end of August, right after the conclusion of the Beijing Olympics, I posted a piece entitled “Apparently, Michael Phelps does everything he does in order to get laid.” Apparently, I was right.

The point of my earlier post was not to single out Michael Phelps, but exactly the opposite. I had earlier posted a series of posts called “Men do everything they do in order to get laid” (Part I, II, III, IV, V). The point of my earlier post on Phelps is that even a superhuman athlete and national hero like Michael Phelps is not exempt from the evolutionary psychological rule that men do everything they do in order to get laid.

According to the latest news reports, Michael Phelps, following the footsteps of George Clooney, has been dating a 26-year-old stripper-turned-cocktail waitress named Caroline Pal (seen here). (I’m guessing it’s a stage name?) Despite the fact that Phelps reportedly took Ms. Pal home to his family in Baltimore for the Thanksgiving dinner, however, he apparently has many other girlfriends besides Ms. Pal. One report says, “Michael Phelps has as many girlfriends as gold medals.” Naturally. The gold medals (or anything else men achieve) are means to the ultimate goal of having reproductive access to as many women as possible.

It’s good to know that even a demigod like Michael Phelps is not exempt from the laws of evolutionary psychology.

About the Author
Satoshi Kanazawa

Satoshi Kanazawa is an evolutionary psychologist at LSE and the coauthor (with the late Alan S. Miller) of Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters.

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