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Why Your Business Strategy for 2020 Is Bass-Ackwards

Everyone else is zagging in the wrong direction. There's no better time to zig.

Speed and convenience are not deep human needs.

Human connection is.

So, why are so many businesses focused on digital trends that offer better speed and convenience, but actively remove human connection from their transaction processes?

If you're going to survive the tumultuous year ahead that many are predicting, then you must have a human connection strategy in place.

Yes, a strategy.

Human connection is not measurable. There's no metric for it. That makes it hard to focus on.

Focus on it anyway.

You want to create a great customer experience? Create a connection.

There's no better way to differentiate yourself in the marketplace than by having a human connection with your customers.

All things being equal, people do business with who they know, like, and trust.

All things NOT being equal, people do business with who they know, like, and trust!

No. Human connection is not measurable, but its impact is immeasurable.

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