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Bipolar Disorder

“Side Effects” Turns A Million

Thanks to my readers.

Shutterstock/Side Effects
Source: Shutterstock/Side Effects

Two days ago, this blog hit a milestone with its millionth cumulative click. Begun in March 2009, in the wake of media discussion of my book Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness, the blog gave me an opportunity to report on exciting as well as troubling, often under-reported developments in psychiatry, psychology, and medicine.

Committed to accuracy, careful sourcing, and clear, precise writing, the blog has over the years ranged from covering such issues as the history and side effects of SSRI antidepressants and benzos, to examining “programmed cell death” (apoptosis) in cancer research; to publishing in-depth interviews with leading scholars and critics of pharmacology; to offering film and book reviews on subjects of broad appeal. I am especially proud of the attention the blog has brought to overdiagnosis and overmedication, which in the U.S. in particular remain widespread problems.

The milestone gives me an opportunity to revisit the 15 most successful posts on the blog, ranging from #1 below (with 249,667 clicks and 2.1K Facebook likes) to #15 (with 10,698 clicks and 69 likes). Each of the top five has received over 60,000 clicks. The occasion gives me a chance to thank my wonderful editor, Lybi Ma, and everyone at Psychology Today, as well as readers and supporters for inspiring me and keeping me going. Thank you.

1. Brain Damage from Benzodiazepines: The Troubling Facts, Risks, and History of Minor Tranquilizers

2. The NIMH Withdraws Support for DSM-5

3. Fighting Cancer with Science and Nature: Why Natural Agents That Kill Cancer Cells Warrant Further Investigation

4. Placebos Do Work: Let’s Consider Why

5. Bitterness: The Next Mental Disorder?

6. Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome

7. “The Bipolar Child Is a Purely American Phenomenon”: An Interview with Philip Dawdy

8. How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease: An Interview with Jonathan Metzl

9. Should Overuse of the Internet Become a Mental Disorder?

10. Overprescribing Antidepressants: Surprising New Data on Their Misuse

11. "Curing" Homosexuality: Reparative Therapy and the Politics of Ex-Gay Ministries

12. The Price of Conformity: Coping with Life on Revolutionary Road

13. Bipolar Disorder and Its Biomythology: An Interview with David Healy

14. Medicating Children: Why Controversy Still Flares over “Early Detection”

15. American Psychiatry Is Facing “Civil War” over Its Diagnostic Manual Follow me on Twitter @christophlane

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