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A Modest Proposal (Now Serving Seniors)

Obama wants to kill old people! And eat them.

I've been living in Spain for well over a decade, off and on, but I've only recently noticed that all the old people seem to be disappearing. Nobody seems to know where they're going. One day, you meet your spry, 80 year-old neighbor at the mailbox. Next day, you hear some government officials came and took her away, never to be seen again.

There are rumours they're being smoked and cured or ending up in the paella.

All this was a mystery to me until I heard about Obama's plan to kill all the old people in the U.S. as soon as he forces GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE on them. When I heard North Carolina congresswoman Virginia Fox say that GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE would have seniors "put to death by their government," a light bulb went off in my head. Spain has GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE too!

But the people here are so brain-washed that they don't realize what's happening to them. Sure, they've got free access to doctors whenever they need attention. They get long paid vacations when they have a child (dads get time off too). Sure, there are lots of programs to help people prevent the onset of debilitating diseases like diabetes by giving free cooking classes, exercise sessions, even GOVERNMENT YOGA CLASSES. All free!

I'm telling you, this stuff is evil. In this SOCIALIST country, there's no freedom. No freedom to lose your house because your child got ill. No freedom to live in your car cause you lost your job (unemployment benefits are horribly generous here). No freedom to lie in the street, shamed and broken, because you've got nowhere safe to sleep. And now, of course, no freedom to get old without being made into ham!

Please, Americans, once you've saved yourselves from evil government-run health care over there, come save us from all this corrupting generosity and peace of mind over here!

*Actual life expectancy rates are:

Spain: men 78, women 84 (22nd in the world).

Canada: men 79, women, 84 (8th in the world).

US: men 75, women 81 (46th in the world).

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