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How Being a Sports Fan Can Be Educational

A dozen valuable life lessons learned from being a sports fan.

Key points

  • Watching sports is significantly more educational then we give credit.
  • Watching sports can teach us loyalty.
  • Watching sports can teach us to agree to disagree.
  • Watching sports can teach us geography.
Joanne Broder Sumerson
Source: Joanne Broder Sumerson

"Can I stay up and watch the whole game?" is a common question asked by young sports fans? In spite of it being a school night, you are torn. On the one hand, you want him/her/them to enjoy the game without watching the clock. On the other hand, you think about what it's like to drag your kid out of bed in the morning, so it's easy to hesitate. My vote is YES.

The opportunities are right there in front of us to learn valuable life lessons watching sports events from the sofas, stands, and sidelines. Games, cups, playoffs, tournaments, bowls, matches, and other events are available every single day of the year. Parents, educators, coaches, mentors, and empirical evidence encourage participation in youth sports or other extracurricular activities so children can develop their talents, experience team dynamics, make memories, and have fun. Most activities, especially sports, require actual hands-on participation to enjoy to the fullest. However, there is a whole other side and angle to which to benefit from the world of athletics.

What real world skills can we learn from watching sports?

Photo 93531282 © Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime
Source: Photo 93531282 © Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime

Players are learning life skills firsthand by their participation, but fans also acquire lessons from being in and paying attention to the moment. If you truly listen, sports broadcasting provides significantly more substance than just the play-by-play of the game with commentators sharing facts, data, and stories. In spite of the secondary experience, these twelve life skills can actually be learned without wearing the uniform:

Watching sports can teach us application of everyday math.

Continuous speed math must be applied in order to keep up with various games thanks to points, shots, yards, penalties, and outs. Definitely more fun than math worksheets and apps, a football game can be a three hour mathematical boot camp of keeping up with yards and downs, which can be more engaging than “Johnny had three apples and found seven more, how many apples does he have all together?”

Watching sports can teach us to agree to disagree.

Accepting individual differences and opposing perspectives is a survival skill of adulthood. We often disagree about our political candidates or Coke vs. Pepsi, so favorite sports teams are no exception. Since we are encouraged to practice acceptance towards individual differences, how do people really look when they get downright angry during the “my team is better” debate? Thus, sports teams can be a great place to learn how to embrace that it is okay to have different favorites.

Watching sports can teach us that we improve from technical mistakes.

Humans make mistakes and professional athletes are obviously no exception. Even the best player can miss the shot, strike out, or drop the ball. Rather than get the ego tangled up in feedback, a true star is intrinsically motivated to learn and improve from his or her mistakes.

Watching sports can teach us to respect cultural norms.

Whether it is painting their bodies green, wearing a cheese wedge hat, or chanting the fight song, every team fan base their acts of support. These common fan-based behaviors create the energy that bonds them together, like a secret handshake. Off the field or court, understanding different cultural norms in any situation is the core of social intelligence.

Photo 22030722 © Scott Anderson | Dreamstime
Source: Photo 22030722 © Scott Anderson | Dreamstime

Watching sports can teach us loyalty.

When our team wins, we feel pride and joy; when they lose, we ache. Similar to when a friend or family member is going through a rough patch, we support them, even if they disappoint us. Most importantly, we stick by our team through all seasons, regardless of their performance, and not just follow the hot champion.

Watching sports can teach us about a competitive job market.

College and professional athletes do not get scholarships, contracts, playing time, recognition, fame, and trophies for getting dressed and showing up. In 2020, the NCAA reported that the numbers and percentages of college athletes who are drafted by a professional team. Mens' and womens' basketball had a 21% and 6.9% draft rates from NCAA college team into the pros.

Watching sports can teach us that hard work pays off.

The data from the NCAA's 2020 report showed that professional sports are among the most competitive industries. The few players with contracts earned them from years of practicing drills, conditioning their bodies, and going above and beyond to exceed their personal best. Entitled to nothing, they have to work exceptionally hard to wear that jersey; of the 60 male basketball players drafted by the NBA, there were millions of boys dreaming of their spots.

Photo 58416590 © Boarding1now | Dreamstime
Source: Photo 58416590 © Boarding1now | Dreamstime

Watching sports can teach us geography.

Games, tournaments, cups, matches, playoffs, and bowls are broadcasted from all around the world. Some events are held in places that might not be on our radar. Thanks to these global events, we are introduced to these places, hear random location facts, and can find them on a map or Google Earth. Would you have ever heard of some of those places without sporting events?

Watching sports can teach us history.

Sports broadcasters and commentators are tremendous resources in reporting the team’s statistics, legends, and politics. They teach us additional insight about the venue, location, and event. A witty broadcaster is certainly more memorable than a web page or textbook.

Watching sports can teach us about an ageless bond.

Children seem to fall into two categories with adults: charming or annoying. The charming kids seem to connect easily with adults. Sports are a fantastic opportunity to bridge the gap between generations. The dynamic between the older historical insight and the fresh youth perspective provide win/win intergenerational bonding experiences.

Watching sports can teach us consequences to bad behavior.

People make bad decisions from poor behavioral judgment and celebrity athletes are no exception. Unfortunately for famous people, personal mistakes, breaking the law, and other dramatic life situations are shared instantly through the media. Their bad behavior might suspend them from playing time, which not only punishes the players, but the team and fans.

Watching sports can teach us Team Dynamics 101.

When you look at a team’s process through a developmental perspective teams with winning statistics are most likely to have already learned to work through conflicts and individual differences as well as maintain a clear group structure. On the flip side, team performance is certainly impacted when the team has unresolved interpersonal issues.

The good news is that there are sports on television every single day of the year, as well as easily accessible online. Our culture would not have it any other way. Unconventional, yes; but the lessons are there in front of us. What have you learned from watching sports?



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