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Life Advice for Young Adults

Occupational passion, lifelong learning, individuality, and the pursuit of truth

Personal photo album
Source: Personal photo album

I was approached a few days ago by Justin Higgins, a lawyer and founder of The Life Advice Guide project to participate in his initiative. Higgins asks a broad range of individuals who have excelled in various domains the following question: “What life advice do you have for young adults?" The contributors have included Anthony Scaramucci (member of Donald Trump’s transition team and recent guest on my show THE SAAD TRUTH_273), Shark Tank members Chris Sacca, Robert Herjavec, and Kevin Harrington, Matt Higgins (Vice Chairman of the Miami Dolphins), Arianna Huffington (cofounder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post), Lawrence H. Summers (President Emeritus at Harvard University, Secretary of the Treasury for Bill President Clinton, and Director of the National Economic Council for President Barack Obama), Lee Cooperman (former chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management), and Jordan Zimmerman (founder and chairman of Zimmerman Advertising, one of the largest advertising agency in the world). Needless to say, I was honored to have been chosen as the fifteenth contributor to this series. Here is my response (see also my response here):

“What life advice do you have for young adults?”

Firstly, pursue a career that you are passionate about. Life is short and every moment is precious. It is an immeasurable tragedy to spend a sizeable portion of one’s waking hours doing a job that does not excite you nor infuse you with a sense of purpose.

Secondly, commit yourself to lifelong learning. I have been a professor for twenty-two years and yet I learn new things on a daily basis. If anything, I am immensely passionate about my profession in part because it allows me to traverse countless intellectual landscapes. My personal growth stems from the humility with which I navigate the world, namely with a reverence for all of the knowledge that I’ve yet to learn but that is out there available to me.

Thirdly, never cower to group conformity, political correctness, and other forms of thought policing. I am willing to bet that all of the contributors to this series share one reality in common: Their success in their respective areas of expertise was partly shaped by the courage of their convictions. Memorable people do memorable things. Followers are seldom remembered. The herd mentality is the killer of innovation. When appropriate, be bold in your undertakings.

Finally, live your life honestly and with dignity. Pursue the truth and in doing so shed any hints of a tribal and ideological mindset. Don’t be a member of the blue team or the red team; instead belong to Team Truth, of which its members are guided by science and reason alone. Now go forth and live life to its fullest!

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