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After the Middle But Before the End: Just Grind It!

Sometimes you just need to grind it out . .

I'm great at the beginning of things. The start of a new project, a long run, or a lengthy journey. I enjoy the plain newness of what I'm doing. Most of the time, before I know it, I'm at the half-way point.

Then, somewhere around three-quarters of the way there, I become less interested. I'm less motivated. And, for some reason I can't fathom, I begin to wonder if I'll ever get to the end. Now, that's just silly because I'm more than half way and I don't tend to give up on things that are near completion.

But, still it's hard. Well, when the going gets tough . . .

That's right. Just get going. Time to grind it out. That's what separates you (the you that you want to be; the you that you know you are) from the you that you don't want to be. While you're grinding it out, try to make it interesting. Maybe let your mind wander. Don't clock-watch (that's just awful; I swear that I've seen clocks stop when I do that). Observe yourself with amusement. Reassure yourself that every single second that you don't quit is another second towards your goal.

Think of how happy you'll be when you finish!

That's about it, though. That's why it's called grinding it out.

But, that's also the great thing about habits. If you repeatedly grind things out, you'll find the grinding a little bit easier each time, until it won't really be grinding anymore!

For more from yours truly, visit me at My Bad Habits. I am also on Twitter.

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