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What Is Your Leadership Sixth Sense?

Unleash your subtle intelligence for success.

Co-authored by Kathleen Joy

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, where change is constant and challenges are complex, traditional notions of intelligence are being redefined. Welcome to the realm of subtle intelligence: the "sixth sense."

The Neuroscience of Subtle Intelligence

Subtle intelligence is a concept rooted in research into neuroception and informed by Stephen Porges' polyvagal theory work explaining how neuroception gauges risk subconsciously, adapting our responses.

The brain constantly scans for danger, just like a baby does when it intuitively thinks it might be dropped. So subtle intelligence is complex, but basically functions like the startle response but also for non-threatening observations. It is an innate ability that operates pre-consciously, which we could call a sixth sense. It connects awareness at an intuitive level with consciousness.

Leaders can harness this subtle sixth sense—an innate aptitude for grasping insights beyond mere logical data and conscious experience. Operating at a "pre-conscious" level, it engages within the neurological subcortical regions, particularly the basal ganglia—an area not available to us consciously, but accessible at a pre-conscious level. Picture subtle intelligence as accessing hidden intuitions and emotions, ready to emerge when triggered.

Imagine a seasoned executive making a quick decision for no apparent reason; midway through a presentation, he sensed underlying tension with a contractor. Perceiving subtle cues and hesitations, he used his subtle intelligence to adapt their approach. Instead of continuing to present, he initiated break-out, one-on-one discussions for brainstorming and fostering open dialogue. This resolved tensions and ensured the project plan was agreed upon. Subtle intelligence empowers leaders to navigate complexity and foster collaboration.

In a world marked by swift technological and paradigm changes and a need for employee engagement and well-being, leadership can no longer be confined to mere rationality. Leaders must step into the uncharted territory of their sixth sense. This realm empowers them to make intuitive decisions, cultivate deep connections, envision possibilities, and innovate solutions.

Navigating Complexity and Uncertainty

The modern leader must navigate complexity and uncertainty with finesse. As remote work and distributed teams redefine collaboration and rapid change becomes the norm, the leadership sixth sense emerges as a guiding light. It enables leaders to discern patterns amid chaos, foresee potential challenges, and make confident decisions even in the face of ambiguity.

In a world driven by technology, leaders find themselves at the forefront of rapid advancements. The leadership sixth sense equips leaders with the ability to understand the broader implications of emerging technologies. It empowers leaders to make pre-conscious decisions that not only harness innovation but also uphold ethical considerations and long-term organizational objectives.

As sustainability takes center stage, leaders are tasked with balancing profit and the planet. Subtle intelligence ensures leaders envision enduring business models, eco-conscious initiatives, and guide organizations toward a future that blends environmental well-being with consistent business growth.

Fostering Meaningful Connections

The well-being of employees is no longer a peripheral concern—it's a central pillar of leadership. The leadership sixth sense enables leaders to connect on a deeper level, understand the needs of their teams, and create an environment of trust and empathy. This not only enhances employee engagement but also fortifies organizational resilience.

In an era of shifting paradigms, employees seek purpose, inclusivity, and meaningful work experiences. The leadership sixth sense empowers leaders to use their subtle intelligence to navigate these shifting dynamics and align organizational strategies with changing expectations. It's the compass that guides leaders in crafting a workplace that resonates with the aspirations of the modern workforce.

The sixth sense enables leaders to surpass traditional intellect, fostering a more profound approach. A story illustrates this: A CEO who developed his subtle intelligence and trusted his gut feeling. The spreadsheet data explained that a new product was too risky, but later it became an industry game changer. Maybe you’ve heard of it: the iPhone. As leaders, it's imperative to integrate this sixth sense, enriching intelligence, innovation, and transforming business. Embrace the leadership sixth sense, forging intuition for your leadership journey.

Kathleen Joy is the founder and CEO of LumiereWork, a world-class consulting and executive leadership coaching organization.


PORGES, S. W. (2009). The polyvagal theory: New insights into adaptive reactions of the autonomic nervous system. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 76(Suppl 2), S86.

JOY, Kathleen. (2023), Empowerment Amidst Chaos: Master the Moment with Creativity and Grace San Francisco: Lumiere Press.

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