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What kinds of issues can a non-religious therapist help with?

Non-religious therapists can help with any of the issues that typically bring clients to therapy, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and grief—among many other concerns. Since the majority of therapists actually practice without a specific religious orientation, clients can often easily find a therapist who specializes in their condition and who approaches therapy from a non-religious lens. During an initial session or consultation with a therapist, clients should ask a therapist about their expertise on a given condition and how they commonly approach treatment for that condition, thus ensuring early in the therapeutic relationship that a therapist meets the client's desire for therapy with a non-religious orientation.

Why might someone seek a secular therapist?

There are many reasons that someone may want a secular therapist. Commonly, clients who are non-religious themselves want a therapist who holds a secular belief system similar to their own. In other instances, clients may be pursuing therapy to investigate their own spiritual or religious beliefs and may not want a therapist's religious orientation to influence their own religious identity exploration. Clients may also seek a therapist who practices specific evidence-based therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and thus may seek a therapist whose use of such approaches is not influenced by their spiritual beliefs. Since non-religious therapists do not view each client through a specific religious lens, their approach to therapy may be more client-centered in nature, focusing on the needs of the client each session instead of focusing on a particular religious viewpoint.

What might therapy with a non religious therapist involve?

Therapy with a non-religious therapist is much like traditional therapy in that it varies greatly from one client to another, depending on their presenting challenges. In general, non-religious therapy emphasizes the development of skills through various therapeutic approaches instead of through prayer, belief in God, or other religious practices. Non-religious therapy will often include a combination of talk therapy, psychoeducation, and specific skill development—emphasizing the implementation of evidence-based practices instead of faith-based ones.

What are the qualities of a secular counselor?

Secular counselors provide therapy from a non-religious perspective, but they should possess the same qualities that make any individual a good therapist—showing high levels of empathy, strong ethical considerations, and good listening and communication skills. Many secular counselors also highlight inclusivity and acceptance as key components of their practice, welcoming clients of all backgrounds and viewpoints without being tied to the specific beliefs of a religion. Clients may also consider the difference between spirituality and religion when considering the qualities of a counselor. Many secular therapists integrate spirituality into their practice, encouraging themes of connection and belonging, while still maintaining a secular approach.