Parenting and Co-parenting Workshops
This service if for current parents, future parents, and co-parents. Services are provided in your home with your choice of the group of parents. Often parents turn this into a parent party where they have a potluck with one another while learning parenting tips. Groups are a one time class and are two hours. I require a minimum of eight people and the group will agree on three parenting topics to focus on. Price is per person. You will definitely have a good time while also learning some cool things. I can't wait to meet you.
Group Details
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Relationship Workshops
This service if for current couples, separated couples or singles seeking a relationship. Services are provided in your home with your choice of the group with a minimum of 8 people. Often attendees host and turn this into a relationship party where they have a potluck with one another while learning relationship tips. Groups are a one time class and are two hours. The group will agree on three relationship topics to focus on. Price is per person. You will definitely have a good time while also learning some cool things. I can't wait to meet you.