Images of Our Mothers
Every woman is impacted by the mother-daughter bond--or lack of it. That relationship becomes a pivotal point for how women relate to the world. Women often yearn for closeness and all kinds of feelings emerge: fear, admiration, anger, love, compassion, anxiety, respect, suffering. This workshop will explore the mother-daughter relationship from three perspectives: child to mother, sister to sister, and transpersonal or Divine Mother. The workshop is nonthreatening and appropriate for adult women of all ages and stages of relationship with their mothers.
Group Details
Session Cost
My Other Groups
Dream Groups
Dreams are a meaningful product of psychic activity. Dreams may be a complement to waking life. Sometimes the symbols in dreams lead the dreamer to an exploration of unconscious activity. And sometimes dreams provide solutions to a present or future situation. Whatever the content, understanding one's dreams will lead to greater self awareness and support on one's chosen spiritual path. Through conversation, art, self-dialogue, and dream theatre, the group will offer: support and companionship, exploration of the inner world, increased self-awareness, understanding of the language of dreams, and a look at your life from a new perspective.
Session Cost
Women's Spiritual Journey Group
Through music, storytelling, sharing, expressive art, movement, and ceremony, this group will help women: reconnect to the spiritual feminine voice; deepen personal and collective wisdom about women's spirituality; explore global, historical, and contemporary symbols and expressions of the Great Mother; recognize, celebrate, and integrate the sacred feminine in life and spiritual practice; and share with others experiences of the sacred feminine.