Successful Love...for Ambitious Women(God's Way)
Life has a way of sometimes beating you up and sometimes beating you down BUT you can get back up again. Things happen... life happens BUT when it’s over it’s over and you’ll need to make a choice to either shrink back and sink OR grow forward and rise. The CHOICE will be yours to make. Failure doesn’t mean that YOU ARE a failure so you’ll need to learn the importance of knowing the difference and live in that new found knowledge otherwise you’ll risk being miserable, defeated and depressed for a lifetime.
Group Details
250 N Rock Rd
Wichita, KS 67216
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Healing from Infidelity Group
This Healing coaching group is designed to help women heal from the devastating aftermath of infidelity. Infidelity is very damaging emotionally and traumatizing to the soul, body and spirit, trying to find your equilibrium, and normalcy during this time can seem virtually impossible. I want to be able to help you walk through this trauma in the most healthiest way possible while providing a safe confidential, therapeutic environment for you to heal. Please contact the Healing & Refuge Centre for more details.