Oklahoma Psychological Evaluations
Let's Connect (918) 228-5628
As you know, Oklahoma Psychological Evaluation's team of psychologists offers evaluations for individuals, couples, and families for a broad range of issues. Our process for conducting an evaluation starts with an initial consultation, in which your client will have a chance to meet with a highly qualified evaluator and conjointly formulate a specific, tailored plan to answer the questions associated with your client's needs. Most evaluations range between two and eight hours of testing and include an opportunity to meet with the evaluator to discuss findings. We produce an integrated written report for your treatment benefit.
Group Details
Oklahoma Psychological Evaluations
6846 S Canton Ave
STE 600
Tulsa, OK 74136
Email Terri Lowers about this group or call - (918) 228-5628
Let's Connect (918) 228-5628