Men’s Group (currently held on-line)
This is an ongoing weekly men’s therapy and support group I run with a male Co-facilitator who shares my ideologies about the power of Group dynamics. Together our goal is to bring men into circle to explore all relationships in their lives in a vulnerable and honest way, that allows deeper connections with others - and ultimately with themselves.
Group Details
25 Middle Street
Portland, ME 04101
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Women and Relationships
These ongoing weekly groups (age 18-30) provide a safe (currently online) space to explore relationship dynamics. Through empathic listening, vulnerable sharing and rigorous honesty, members start to experience a shift in the circle- and their lives. Sharing perspectives with each other breaks the maladaptive internal dialogue and offers hope. Being in relationship with family members, peers, and romantic partners inevitably bring up a variety of emotions and attachment triggers. This is a space for women to heal old wounds through healthy connection and feel more empowered to establish fulfilling relationships in their lives.