Healing After Betrayal Women's Group
Let's Connect (805) 410-9493
This online group aims to provide a safe space for women going through betrayal trauma. We utilize various evidence-based resources in our sessions to ground our discussions. Each week of this journey centers around a specific aspect of your healing, covering themes such as establishing safety, reducing shame, and embracing personal empowerment. My goal is that you will find the encouragement, support, and tools that you need to help you both understand your pain and work through it into a place of healing and peace. Please reach out if you are interested!
Group Details
1601 Carmen Drive
Camarillo, CA 93010
Session Cost
Group Meets
Every Thu 1 P.M. - 2:30 P.M.
Women's Issues
Types of Therapy
Trauma Focused
Email Jorden Groenink about this group or call - (805) 410-9493
Let's Connect (805) 410-9493