Finding Your Voice
This group is designed specifically for people who were raised in a family where their self expression was suppressed. The group focuses on helping you discover the wisdom that the body holds and how to "tap into" that wisdom. This group meets for 1.5 hours per week.
Group Details
Tigard, OR 97223
My Other Groups
Dissociative Identity Disorder Group Psychotherapy
My experience spans 40 years of treating childhood and adult trauma. Sadly the shame and stigma associated with the tragic aftermath of emotional, sexual, spiritual, and physical abuse leave the survivor bombarded with unbearable and intolerable feelings of confusion, inadequacy, and isolation. Through meeting with other survivors who " get it " you will find acceptance, inclusion, and new clarity. ...... And the voices from the past and present will find expression and healing. Come join "us." This group meets for 1.5 hours per week.
Session Cost
Trauma Survivors
This safe and confidential group offers both educational and emotional support to those struggling with the complications of adult and childhood trauma. Research shows that sharing your pain and success with others who "Get It" is often an essential piece to the process of healing. This group meets for 1.5 hours weekly. A 3 month commitment is required.