Essence: A Psycho-Spiritual Formation Group
Essence is a non-judgmental, open space for questioning and working through the doubts and existential questions that young adult women face. Having faith and identity conversations within the safety of a therapy group. It is a psycho-spiritual formation group for young adult women examining their own concept of self and of God, looking at how to reconcile a religious belief system with their own life experiences. We will look at family of origin, family faith systems, the impact on body image and concepts of self. (This group is virtual)
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Gather: Food, Feelings & Faith
Recovering from an eating disorder is hard enough, you don’t have to do it alone. Whether you’ve just left treatment or never even seen a therapist, it is invaluable to your recovery to have a community of people who can understand the good days, the bad days and every day in between. We will discuss all things related to life: faith, work, relationships, school, kids, food, etc. Facilitated by Eden Hyder, LPC, a therapist who has worked with clients and families at all levels of care treating eating disorders and co-occurring disorders (anxiety, depression, OCD, etc.).