2019 Support Group for Parents of Kids with ADHD
Let's Connect (708) 316-9567
Parenting kids with ADHD can be physically and emotionally draining. If you're finding yourself losing your cool or feeling exhausted, you're not alone. The Support Group for Parents of Kids with ADHD will be a safe place to share your experiences (if you choose) with like-minded parents. You will also learn how to have more patience, reduce your stress and get relief. As an experienced therapist and parent of a child with ADHD, I'm uniquely qualified to help. The group will run on Sundays, 8:30-10:00 AM, Oct. 13-Nov. 17 (6 weeks).
Group Details
Terri Fry Brukhartz, LCSW, PCC
Oak Park, IL 60301
Session Cost
Group Meets
Every Sun 8:30 A.M. - 10 A.M.
Education and Learning Disabilities,
Types of Therapy
Email Terri Fry Brukhartz about this group or call - (708) 316-9567
Let's Connect (708) 316-9567