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Steve Sisgold


As an author, speaker, practitioner, and singer, Steve Sisgold has helped thousands of people access their innate body intelligence to create better health, prosperity and richer and more authentic relationships. Steve's latest book, What's Your Body Telling You? (McGraw-Hill) is a step-by-step guide teaching readers how to raise their BQTM (Body Awareness Intelligence) to successfully navigate their way with concentrated focus and confidence, discerning truth from fear, and avoiding dangerous knee-jerk reactions. Prior to being a successful leader in the self help arena, Steve applied the same principles he teaches now in the business world. He owned and directed a successful advertising and PR firm, was #1 of 500 salespeople in Konica Corporation, a top 20 sales leader with Shaklee Corp., and a breakthrough coach to best-selling self help authors and Grammy Award winning recording artists, business leaders and holistic practitioners. Steve holds an M.A. in Communications, a B.S. in Business and Certifications in body-centered psychotherapy and relationship counseling.

Steve has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS TV and Oprah and Montel radio.

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