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Reggie J. Ferreira Ph.D.


Regardt (Reggie) Ferreira, Ph.D., is the Director of Tulane University’s Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy and Associate Professor of Social Work at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. He currently serves as the editor for the American Psychological Association Traumatology journal, focused on resilience practices amongst traumatized individuals, families, and communities.

He received his undergraduate degree in Social Work and master's degree in Disaster Risk Management at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, and his Ph.D. in Social Work from the University of Louisville, in Louisville, Kentucky. He joined the Tulane University faculty in 2013 where he divides his time between applied research, community work, and teaching activities. His main research interest is at the intersection of disaster, mental health, and resilience; with work conducted in Europe, Africa, North America, the Caribbean, and South Asia.

Over the past two decades, he has been involved with several projects focused on disaster risk reduction, addressing collective trauma, and fostering resilience with projects totaling over $25 million in federal and foundation funding.. Ferreira’s work in the classroom has been recognized with several teaching awards for his innovative approaches to teaching. His interdisciplinary work includes over 100 published journal articles, chapters, and scientific abstracts on a variety of trauma and resilience topics, and his work most recently has featured in popular media outlets such as CNN, Rolling Stone, HBO/VICE, Fox News, Reuters, Medscape, NPR and USA Today. Reggie hails originally from Bloemfontein, South Africa.

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