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Kristine Keller M.A.


Kristine Keller, M.A., graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2009 with a BA in Psychology. While there, she worked with Dr. Lyn Abramson on a longitudinal study, which focused on the development of cognitive styles and vulnerability to Bipolar disorder. To gain experience with patients, she worked at the Women's Center as a facilitator for women suffering from symptoms of anxiety and depression.

In 2011, Kristine graduated from New York University with a Master's degree in Psychology. She has participated in several avenues of research in fields ranging from clinical psychology to social and developmental psychology. Most notably, she participated in a longitudinal research study for two years at NYU's Center for Applied Research on Culture, Development, and Education. There she served as a field worker to interview adolescents and their mothers, which has provided her with experience in collecting qualitative data. It also influenced her love of working with adolescents and helped further her understanding of the issues they face. After graduating in 2013, Kristine worked in publishing at Vanity Fair and served as an adjunct instructor at NYU, where she taught Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences at the undergraduate and graduate level. Currently, she works at a not-for-profit. She enjoys writing about decision making and the challenges, which permeate the lives of individuals in their twenties, since both are topics with which she is well acquainted. She is less acquainted with writing in the third person.

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