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Verified by Psychology Today

Gurnek Bains Ph.D.


Gurnek Bains, Ph.D., is currently the Managing Partner of Global Future, a psychologically based consulting firm, as well as CEO of Global Future Think Tank. Bains was born into a Sikh family from the Punjab and arrived in Britain at the age of 7, growing up in London’s East End. He went on to study psychology, obtaining a doctorate from Oxford University. He is currently the Managing Partner of Global Future, as well as CEO of Global Future Think Tank, which is committed to bringing psychological insights to bear on pressing societal concerns. Before Global Future, Gurnek founded, and spent 25 years as CEO building up, the leadership consulting firm YSC to a prominent position in its field with 24 offices globally. Gurnek has extensive experience working with senior executives and teams, including advising boards on cultural issues and coaching a number of top company CEOs. He is also Chair of Akram Khan, an internationally renowned dance company, and a member of Intertek Plc’s board. He is passionate about using insights from psychology to shed light on social and political issues and speaks regularly at conferences and summits. He has been named one of HR Magazine’s Top 100 Most Influential People. He is the author of various books, including Meaning Inc., which in 2007 helped introduce purpose-driven leadership to businesses across the world, and Cultural DNA, which explores the psychological roots of different cultures.

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