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Eyal Aharoni Ph.D.


Dr. Eyal Aharoni is an Associate Professor of Psychology, Philosophy, and Neuroscience and director of the Conflict, Cooperation, and Cognition lab at Georgia State University in Atlanta. His research investigates neuro-cognitive factors driving antisocial behavior and the influence of cognitive bias in forensic, legal, and moral judgment and decision-making. Prior to his current appointment, Aharoni served as a Research Associate for the RAND Corporation. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship with appointments at The MIND Research Network for Neurodiagnostic Discovery and the University of New Mexico Psychology. He has also held research positions at the Research Center for Virtual Environments and Behavior and the Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research, studying human-computer social interaction. Aharoni earned his Ph.D. in psychology at UC Santa Barbara where he also served as a research fellow for the MacArthur Foundation's Law and Neuroscience Project.

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