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Chandra Khalifian, Ph.D. and Kayla Knopp, Ph.D.


Chandra Khalifian, Ph.D., and Kayla Knopp, Ph.D., are clinical psychologists, researchers, and educators. They focus on developing and evaluating couple-based interventions for relationship distress and mental health, including enhancement of evidence-based treatments with psychedelics. At their clinical practice, Enamory, they work with people in relationships and specialize in non-monogamy, sexual expansion, and psychedelic-assisted therapy. They have completed several psychedelic and psychopharmacotherapy training programs and are some of the few people in the world trained in psychedelic-assisted couple therapy. They present their work at conferences around the world and are available for workshops and trainings focused on the interplay between mental health and relationship functioning, evidence-based relationship therapies, and psychedelic-assisted therapies.

Books by Chandra Khalifian, Ph.D. and Kayla Knopp, Ph.D.
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